Chapter 20.

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Hope P.O.V.

"..If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game

'Cause we're young and we're reckless.." I sang, more like screamed until somebody took my earbuds off.

"What?" I yelled.

"Chill Hope." Jake said.
"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm just saving people, my ears are bleeding cause of your singing." Jake said. I look around to see students looking at us.

"Fuck off!" I yelled. They quickly walked away.
"What's up with you?" He asked me.
"I get annoyed when somebody interrupts my singing."
"Yeah, I have to remember that in the future." He mumbled.
"Where are the others, I haven't seen them all day." I asked walking to my next class which I have with Jake.

"Emma is sick so Chace is sick also, and Hayden.. I have no idea where the loser is." He said. "hey do you want to go to the fair tonight, we will make Hayden go with us. When I say we I meant you."

"Why do you think he'll listen to me?" I asked taking the seat in the back. Jake set next to me.
"Because." he said.


"We're going to fair tonight!" Jake said.
"No." Hayden said.


"Cause it's a fair." Hayden shrugged. Jake pointed at me and then at Hayden silently telling me to ask him.
"C'mon, it's gonna be fun." I said giving him my puppy dog look.

"You're going?" Hayden asked.

"Okay then I'll come." Hayden said putting his arm on my shoulders.
"See!" Jake yelled.

"I'll pick you up at seven." Hayden told me ignoring Jake.

"What about me?"
"Okay." I said.
"Hey, I'm here too!" Jake said. "you wouldn't be going if it wasn't for me!"

"Shut up!" Hayden snapped at him.

"Well see ya tonight boys." I said and kissed Hayden's check. Don't ask why, cause I don't know.
"That's not a proper kiss." Hayden pushed me against his body.

"Sorry." I said and kissed him on the lips. "bye."

"Bye." they yelled.


Door bell rang. That must be Hayden. I took my leather jacket and answered the door. And there he is. Man, can he get more gorgeous? He's wearing tight Jack Daniels shirt, all of his tattoos are showing, black skinny jeans and black combat boots. His hair is messy, like i-just-got-out-of-bed messy and he has little stubble.

"Done checking me out?" Hayden asked staring at my legs.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked while I locked the front door. I put my keys in my bag.
"Yeah, let's go." Hayden said. He opened the door for me.

"Cute." I said as I set into the car. Hayden sat in the car and started the car.

"Did you just call me cute?" Hayden asked.
"Yeah." I said.

"I really need to show you there is nothing cute or adorable about me." I just shrugged. We fell into comfortable silence till we got to the fair.

"Where is Jake?" I asked as we got out of the car.
"I'm right here."
"Let's go." Hayden said putting his arm around my waist.

"I already bought the tickets with MY money." Jake said.

"Thanks dude." Hayden said and took the tickets from his hands.
"Hey!" Jake yelled and tried to take the tickets from Hayden. I chuckled at them and took the tickets from Hayden while he tried to fight off Jake.

"Let's go suckers!" I said walking to the biggest rollercoaster. I stood at the end of the line, waiting like normal person while Hayden pushed the guy who was first in line.

"C'mon!" he said, I chuckled at him and gave the guy our tickets. He let us in, as we were sitting in the wagon Jake got pale.

"Ca-can we go-o to an-another ride?" Jake asked.

"Are you afraid of a little rollercoaster?" I asked Jake.
"No!" Jake said as Hayden said "yes."

"Guys these days are such wimps!" I said.

"Not all the guys!" Hayden said. I rolled my eyes at him.


"You done now?" Hayden asked Jake.

"Fuck off!" Jake yelled as he continue barfing in the trash bin.
"Well when you're done, find us." Hayden said.
"Screw you!" Jake yelled.

"Let's go." Hayden said pushing me away from Jake.

"Bye Jake!" I yelled.
"ugh!" He just continues to barfing. Hayden dragged me to one of those booths with lot of fluffy animals in them.

"Knock down those cups and pick whatever animal you want!" Guy behind booth said.

"How many shots?" Hayden asked.
"Three." Hayden gave money to the guy as he gave Hayden three small balls.

"If I knock down all those cups with one shot will you give me a kiss?" Hayden asked.

"One shot." I said smirking. There is no way he can knock do-.
"Congratulation! You knocked down those cups!" Guy said.

"What the.." I mumbled. Hayden smirked.

"What about that kiss?" Hayden said.
"Pick whatever animal you want." I look at the fluffy animals, but big fluffy elephant catch my attention. He is so cute, aw.

"I want that weird elephant." Hayden said.

"Here ya go."
"Isn't he cute?" Hayden asked me while hugging the elephant and smirking at me when he catch my glare.
"Whatever." I mumbled walking away from him.

"What about my kiss?" Hayden asked.

"You're not getting it." I said. Hayden grabbed my wrist and pull me against his body, I look at him still glaring.

"But you promised." Hayden mumbled against my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him. His lips are so soft, I bite his lips asking for entrance and he grant me, I explored his mouth with my tongue.

I ended the kiss, but I bite his bottom lip and smiled.
"That's better." Hayden mumbled with a smile on his face, I smiled when I saw his smile. "you're so beautiful."

"Thanks." I mumbled blushing. I quickly covered my checks.

"Don't cover your face, you're cute when you blush." I blush even more. Oh my God, what is happening to me? No, no, no, I like Hayden fucking Walker.

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