Chapter 16.

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Hope P.O.V.

"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!" everybody cheered, I cheered with them even though I have no idea who's fighting. I push people out of my way, to see who's fighting. I push some big guy out of my way just to see green eyes punching Hayden, oh shit! Hayden smirk at him and attack him. He started punching guy in the face. Green eyes tried to push Hayden away but he couldn't, Hayden would just punch him harder.

I saw some girl trying to push Hayden away. I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her away from them. It's not fair, two against one, yeah, yeah I know she's a girl, but even though I don't know Hayden that much I know he would never punch a girl.

I dragged her away from them while she is screaming and trying to free herself from me. Just as I let her go she attacked me. Ugh! She strangle me and started slapping me.

Really, dude, really? Slapping? I don't slap, I punch! So I grabbed her hair and started punching her


"What were you thinking?! That was unacceptable! Miss Andersons that was your second fight since you got here.." blah blah blah. Currently we're in principle office, when I say we I mean Hayden, me, green eyes and crazy girl. Teachers separated me and crazy girl while Jake and Chace had to hold Hayden from killing green eyes. I don't even know what caused them to fight.

"Who started this?" Principle asked.

"HOPE!" crazy girl yelled.
"What? I didn't start this shit, they did." I said pointing at Hayden and green eyes.

"What happened?"

"I just warned him." Hayden said
"About what?" crazy girl asked.
"It's none of your business!" Hayden snapped, she quickly look at her shoes like they are most interested thing in the world. I chuckled at that.

"Can I go now? I have things to do, people to see.." I said.

"You and Mr. Walker are suspended for a week." he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Don't ask me why! You were in two fights, and Mr. Walker I know all the things you did! I know you were smoking on schools property, disrespecting me and teachers, doing things with girls that you should't be doing in the school." he said blushing at the last part. Me and Hayden laughed at him, while crazy girl and green eyes stayed quite. "leave!" principle snapped at us. We walk out out of his office.

"I didn't know you cared that much Hope." Hayden said.

"What so you mean?"
"Fighting a girl for me." he teased.

"I don't give a fuck about you, I just didn't want her to disturb you two." I snapped. "just cuz of this don't think we're back to normal, I'm still pissed!" I said and walk away from them. Hayden jogged behind me.

"Why are you even pissed? What did I do?" Hayden asked.
"You don't have respect for me!" I yelled at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Who do you think you are? Huh? Thinking I'm one of your sluts that you can be with and then go to another! Well fuck you!" I yelled at him.

"You did the same thing with that guy!" he yelled back at me. He had a point, I did made out with green eyes, but he did it first!

"Just cuz you did it first, you dick!"
"You aren't my girlfriend! I can fuck who ever I want to fuck!" he yelled at me with eyes full of rage.
"I'm not your girlfriend, but I'm a girl who you should respect!" I said.
"I respect you!" he yelled.

"Then why are you kissing me one day and another girl the other day?! Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled.

"I'm Hayden Walker! I do what I want and whenever I want!" he snapped.
"Well I'm Hope Anderson and I won't let you walk all over me!" I snapped back at him.


Punch, punch, kick, punch..

"You done?" deep voice asked behind me. I growled and turn around to see who interrupted me and do you know who I saw? I saw CHACE! YES CHACE. He talked, he fucking talked!!

"Don't look at me like that." he said.

"Oh sorry." I said.
"You have been punching that poor punching bag for hours, let me guess, you were imaging Hayden's face?" Chace said. I chuckled at him.

"You know you are the only person who stood up to Hayden, first person who made him laughed like crazy, first person who slapped him and got away with it, you are something special."

"I know, I know, I'm awesome." I said smiling to Chace.
"What now?"
"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Whats gonna happen now with you and him?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing! I mean who does he think he is? Ugh."
"You are like female version of him, stubborn, strong, confident, cold but with warm heart." Chace said.
"Wow that was deep." I told him. He chuckled at me.

'Hope when you take that jump
You don't fear the fall
Hope when the water rises
You build a wall

Hope when the crowd screams out..'

My phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey sweetheart." Bruce said.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Oh nothing much, just freezing my ass in front of your house.." he trailed off.
"You're here?!" I yelled.
"No shit." he mumbled.

"Fuck you! I'm on my way."

"Hurry the fuck up!"
"Chill." I said grabbing my bag of the floor and hung up.

"Have to go?" Chace asked me.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, my friend doesn't know how to call and inform you that he's coming." I said.
"Friend? Or a boyfriend?" Chace asked.
"Friend, Bruce is like a brother to me."
"Good." he mumbled, I narrow my eyes at him. "see you around." he flash me a smirk and walk out of the gym.


"Where the fuck have you been?" Bruce asked me while crushing me in his huge arms.
"Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically

"Shut up and answer the question." he finally let me go.

"I was at the gym."
"Good, let's go inside, I'm freezing." I unlock the front door and walk into my house.
"I'm gonna to take a shower than I'm gonna show you your room." I said walking upstairs.

"Where's you mom?" Bruce shouted from the kitchen.

"What do you think?" I shouted.


Me and Bruce spend night tangled in the sheets of my bed fucking living shit out of each other... Kidding! We talked all night and watched movies, mom didn't came home. I guess she spend her night in hotel. Thank God! She hates Bruce and all my friends. Bitch!

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