Chapter 23.

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Hope P.O.V.

I stare at Hayden as he explain his plan to me. Apparently he wants to throw toilet paper at some guys house, when I asked him why he just said it's complicated.

"Let's do this!" Hayden shouted like a mad man and started throwing paper towels at the house, I followed him. I can't believe I'm doing this, I laughed at Hayden while he threw paper towels like a retard. He took a lighter from his pocket.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked him.
"I'm gonna set this bush on fire." he poured Jack Daniels on the bush and set it on fire. We hear  yelling from the house, I looked at Hayden.



"I really wanted to ask you on a date, but I chicken out." Hayden confessed. I almost screamed in joy out loud. Key word almost. Currently Hayden and I are sitting on a sidewalk and drinking.  I raised my eyebrow at him. "don't look at me like that." Hayden mumbled.

"Like what?"

"Fuck this." Hayden grabbed me and put me on his lap. He packed me on the lips, I smiled at him. Hayden begin scratching his neck and nervously smiling.

"Would you go on a date with me?" he look away from me. I smiled at him and grabbed his face to look at me.

"Yes I will." I mumbled against his lips. He smiled at me. "but what about staying bachelor for life?" he awkwardly chuckled and blush. "aw, you're blushing." he growled at me and attacked my lips with his own. I kissed him back, he grabbed my ass. I gasped and he put his tongue in my mouth. As he explored my mouth I explored things inside his shirt. Fucking hell, he's so sexy. I can feel his 6packs. I heard wolf whistles and somebody shouted "get a room!" but Hayden continue kissing me. I pull away from Hayden to see a group of guys looking at us and laughing. I got up from Hayden's lap and smirked at the group. Hayden glared at the group while getting up from the sidewalk.

"C'mon." Hayden mumbled against my hair.

"Let's go find your bike." I said.

"I want a piggyback ride." I pouted. Hayden groaned.

"Don't pout." ha said as he turn his back to me. "hop on." I jump on his back I put my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. He grabbed my ass, I yelp and slapped him on the head.

"Hands to yourself." he chuckled and put his hands under my tights. "c'mon horsey!"

"What are you doing to me?" Hayden mumbled to himself and took off. I laughed as he made horse sounds.

"Wimp!" the group of the guys yelled behind us, Hayden flip them off. I laughed at him.

"Is it far away?" I asked Hayden.
"About ten minutes walk." Hayden said. I took my phone and my ear buds from my purse. I'm gonna listen to some music. I put one ear bud in my ear and one in Hayden's.

"What are you doing?" Hayden asked

"We're gonna listen to some music."
"Please don't tell me you're a fan of Justin Bieber." I chuckled and turn on Berzerk by Eminem. "You like Eminem?"

"I love Eminem, what about you?" I asked him.

"Me too."

When Berzerk ended I smirked to myself and put on Confident by Justin Bieber. Hayden started nodding his head to the beat. I smirk to myself.

"It's dope." I chuckled at him.
"Well look who's Justin Bieber fan now." I smirked.

"What? Justin Bieber? No way!"

"Yes way!" I said and showed him my phone.
"Whatever, just don't tell anybody!"

"Do you want me to buy you a Justin Bieber mug, so you can be twinzies with Matt?"

"Fuck off!" Hayden said groaning.
"Selfie!" I yelled and kissed Hayden's check. On the picture I'm kissing Hayden's check and he's grinning. "look!" he laughed softly when he saw the picture.

"Can you send me that photo?"  Hayden asked.

"Yeah." I said already sending him. "Let's play 20 questions!"
"Okay, what's your favorite song?"
"Demons by Imagine Dragons. what's your favorite colour?"

"Black." I rolled my eyes at him. "what is one of your most embarrassing secrets?"

"That I love Twilight." I said.
"I can't believe you like that vampire and werewolf shit." Hayden chuckled.

"Whatever.  If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?"

"Greece, because I like their culture.  What do you notice first when you saw me?"
"Um.." I chuckled awkwardly. "how built you are."
"You mean my body?" Hayden said smirking at me.

"Yes I meant your body." I rolled my eyes at him. "What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?"

"Fall for a girl." Hayden said.
"Who?" I quickly asked.
"It's my turn to ask question." Hayden said. "what are your three biggest fears?"

"Being alone, spiders and.." I sighed. "and my dad."

"You don't have to be afraid I'm always gonna be here and I'm not gonna let you dad near you, about spiders I promise I will kill it for you after I'm done laughing." Hayden said smiling.

"Thanks." I kissed his check.

"Here we are." Hayden said and dropped me off his back.


I stare at Emma as she cried again. I feel bad for her, she doesn't know what to do. If I was in her place I probably would been mad, punch him couple times and came back to him. I mean they love each other, I see the way they look at each other and if they love each other they should be together. I can see them getting married after high school and having kids. How I wish I found somebody like that, I may look like I don't give a fuck but I would give anything to have somebody look at me like Chace looks at Emma and the way she smiles at him.

"You know what? Fuck this!" Emma said and wimp her eyes. She marched where the guys are and stood in front of Chace. Emma slapped him. I laughed at his shocked face.

"Em what th-" she slapped him again and then she crashed her lips on his and they stated making out. I stood next to shocked Hayden and Jake.

"C'mon guys, give them some privacy." I said dragging Hayden and Jake from the kissing couple.

"You're really good influence on Emma." Jake said sarcastically.
"I know right." I said.

"Is she on her period or something?" Hayden asked me. I gasped and punch him on chest. "what? she would never slap anybody like that!" 

"It's true." Jake said. "sooo I found out I'm the only single one in the group."
"It's just a date." me and Hayden mumbled while blushing.

"What did you do to my best friend Hope? Look he's fucking blushing!" Jake said.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hayden snapped at Jake

"Where are you going on your date?" Jake asked. I shrugged looking at Hayden.

"What makes you think I would tell you?" Hayden asked him.
"I'm your best friend!"

"What makes you think you're my best friend?"  Jake gasped.

"So you have been cheating on me? You bastard!" Jake said in high peach voice. I laughed at Hayden's terrified face. Hayden's phone started ringing.

"I have to take this." Hayden said and walk away.

"Do you know why don't Turkey and Hungary border?"  Jake asked me.
"Because Hungary would eat Turkey!" Jake started laughing at his joke. "okay okay I have another one!"
"This is gonna be a long day." I mumbled to myself.

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