Chapter 18.

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Hope P.O.V.

"This is all your fault." Hayden said while holding his head.
"How the hell is this all my fault?" I asked. Currently me and Hayden are locked up, jup we're in jail waiting for Bruce to bail us out. Stupid Hayden tripped me and I fell just as cops got there and put hand cups on me while Hayden tried to fight off ten cops, and they hit him with baton on the head, he's been bitching 'bout it the whole ride here and he continue bitching 'bout it when they lock us up.

"You had to fucking trip and fall!" He yelled.

"YOU tripped me and you didn't have to stay with me you could just run stupid!" I snapped at him.
"Whatever.." he mumbled. One, two, three. "and this is your fault too." There it is! He pointed at his head.

"So it's my fault you tried to fight off ten cop?" I asked.

"Yes!" He said walking towered me. I held my head high not breaking my eye contact with him. Our foreheads are touching while we glare at each other. Suddenly his eyes soften.

"You know.. since the fist time I kissed you I knew I was gone." he softly mumbled. "you're soft black hair, you're eyes full of pain, kissable lips and cold attitude towered everything, but you're smile.." he smiled. "Damn! You're smile makes my head spin." he said and the only thing I could think is how gorgeous he is. I crashed my lips against his. I open my mouth and he explored my mouth.

"Somebody pay for you two." I hear cop outside of the cell. We broke the kiss.
"You're taken."
"What? We are't in relationship Hayden." I said.
"No, we aren't but you're taken." Hayden said and walk out of the cell.
"What the.."

C'mon I don't have all day." Annoying cop said.

"Chill out bro." I said to him.
"Teenagers.." He mumbled walking away.

I saw Bruce and the guys waiting for me and Hayden.

"Thanks, let's go now, see ya later guys."
"Bye Hope!" They said together.
"Let's go." Bruce said dragging me out of the building.


"Sup' bitchez!" Jake yelled while walking into cafeteria with Hayden.
"Hey." I said.

"Where have you two been?" Emma asked.

"Here and there.." Hayden said sitting beside me and eating my fries.
"Bastard! Don't touch my food!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with puppy dog look. Awwwwwwwwwwww, he's adorable!!!!!

"Aw, you're soooo adorable"!" I said pinching his checks.

"What? Adorable?" Hayden asked confused. "I'm not adorable!"
"Yes you are!" I said.

"Take that back!" Hayden playfully said.

"Make me." I saw him looking at my belly and smirking.. oh shit! No he won't! I begin running around cafeteria and screaming "you will never take me alive, you adorable bastard!"

"HOPE!" He yelled while chasing me around the tables. I screamed when he almost got me.

I stood on one side of somebody's table while Hayden stood at the other.
"Hope, take it back and everything will be okay." Hayden said seriously, but his eyes are full of amusement.
"Hmm let me think..No." I smirked at him as he playfully glared at me. "you know you're kinda slow for a guy.." I winked at him.

"No you didn't." he smirked and jump over the table, I screamed as he got me and started carrying me like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder.

"Put me down, you jackass!" I said hitting him on his back.
"Naah, I kinda like the view." He said spanking me on ass.
"Perv." I said. "where are you carrying me?" I asked. He didn't answer me, I could feel him smirking, I signed.

Damn, he has a nice ass! I spanked him on ass just like he did to me.

"I see you're enjoying the view as well."
"Shut up, and put me down!" I said.
"Okay." I signed in relief, but the bastard throw me in the fountain. I screamed as I came out of the water.

"What the hell Hayden! It's so cold!" I said pretending to cry.

"What? Oh I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Hayden said pulling me out of the fountain, I smirked at him and pull him in as well. I stated laughing at his shocked face as he got out of the water trying to breath normal.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" I said still laughing. He growled at me and tackled me into the water. I open my eyes still in the water to see Hayden crashing his lips on mine.


"Do you want to be suspended again?" Principle yelled at soaked me and Hayden. "keep you hands for your self Mr. Walker!" he yelled again. Hayden just raised an eyebrow at him and kept his arm around me. "one week of detention!" he pointed at us. "now go to class!" I stood up with Hayden's arm still around me. As we walked out of the office, I looked at Hayden.

"We're even now." I said to him.

"How?" He said looking down at me.
"You left a hickey on my neck couple days ago, and I offended you by calling you adorable." I said rolling my eyes at offended part.

"But you liked when I gave you a hickey."

"Yeah, I did while you were giving me a hickey, but not the after, do you know how huge it was?" I said punching him in the chest.

"I think we will be even if you give me a hickey."

"How are we gonna me even if I give you a hickey?"
"Simple, I gave you a hickey, you gave me a hickey." He shrugged.

"What about the adorable part?"

"I forgot about that when you kissed me."
"What? I didn't kiss you, you kissed me!" I told him.

"Oh, like this." he said and crashed his lips on mine. I began kissing him back roughly. I pushed him against wall and took control of the kiss. He moaned in my mouth.

I pull away from him and started kissing him down his neck. I licked the spot where I'm gonna leave a hickey as he groaned and pushed his body against mine.I could feel Little Hayden against my belly. I smirked and begin sucking on the spot I licked. When I'm satisfied with the size of a hickey on his neck I pushed him of me.

"I want you so bad." He huskily said.

"Sorry, but you can't have me." I said walking to my next class.
"Why? It's not something you didn't do before." He whispered huskily in my ear.

"I have class, I'm not just gonna jump in your bed just cause I want you." He ignored my statement and asked.

"Is than guy still here?"
"Which guy?" I asked.
"The one who won the race the other night."

"Bruce. No he isn't here anymore, he had to go home." I told him.

"Good." he said. "do you want to come over after school?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "I didn't mean it like that, guys want to see you again."

"Oh, okay. Wait for me after school."


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