Chapter 24.

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Hope P.O.V.

"You totally should wear that!" Emma said when she saw me. I'm wearing one of my favorite dresses, the top is gray and brown and the skirt is black. I also wore my brown heels, black bag and silver earrings. Emma put my hair in a high ponytail and did my make up.

"How do I look?" I smiled at her.

"You look beautiful Hope, I wish I had a body like yours or even your eyes." Emma hugged me.

"You are beautiful Em." I said.

"I still can't believe Hayden asked you on a date, he never dates, like ever, all the girls tried to get him on a date or even to look at them second time but they all failed ."

"Not to brag or anything but I'm special." I said dusting imaginary dust from my shoulders. Somebody knocked on the door.

"That's him!" Emma said running to the door. She opened the door smiling wildly at confused Hayden.

"Hi." I said shyly to Hayden. He's wearing black and red checked shirt, black skinny jeans, black combat boots and of course his leather jacket. Let's just say I almost drooled.

"Hey." Hayden smiled at me.
"Go, go! Have fun! Don't forget to wrap it up!" Emma pushed me out of the house and slam the door.

"You look beautiful." Hayden mumbled while hugging me. I hugged him back and mumbled.

"Thank you, you look handsome."
"I know right." Hayden said flashing me his smirk. He opened door for me and said. "after you milady."

"Why thank you kind sir." I said in British accent and got into the car. Hayden went around the car and sat in driver's seat. As he started his car I asked him "where are you taking me?

"I'm not very patient person." He just smiled at me and continue driving. The rest of the ride I look through the window, but as hard as I tried I couldn't guessed where we are going. We're in really nice neighbored. Hayden parked in a drive way of some burned house. I guess it was two story house before it burned down.

"Where are we Hayden?"

"I grew up in this house." he mumbled.
"What happened?" I softly asked.

"After everything happened and after I came back from juvie I got dunk and burned this house." I squeezed his hand showing his that I'm here for him. "c'mon I want to show you the house I grow up in." we walk into the house. Everything is burned and falling apart. Hayden walked into a big room.

"This was living room, this is where they killed them." Hayden said and quickly turn around and walk out of the room. I followed behind him. He walked up stairs. We walk into another room.

"This was my room, next to this room was Lizzy's room and in front of my room was master bedroom." I just nodded not knowing what to say. He took my hand and dragged me down stairs to the yard. The yard is really big, in the middle of it is red blanket and on the blanket is picnic basket. "we're having picnic."

"Cool." I said smiling at him. We sat on the blanket.

"Peanut butter sandwich or turkey sandwich?" Hayden asked.
"Turkey sandwich." I said. He gave me the sandwich and took out all the food from the basket.

"Sorry, but I don't know how to cook neither the guys." Hayden said.

"Don't worry, I'm not really a cook either." I said. "I remember one time I tried to cook Thanksgiving diner and I burned the turkey, so we had Thanksgiving diner without the turkey and the sad thing is the rest didn't come out as I planed so my brother made mac n cheese ten minutes before the diner." Hayden chuckled as me.

"I never really tried to cook anything, cooking is for woman."

"You ass! Women are just like man! We're not gonna just stay home cooking and taking care of the kids!"

"So you would rather work then stay home?"

"Yes! I WANT to be independent." Hayden rolled his eyes at me.
"You can learn to be independent when you go to collage."

"Yeah, I can't wait to just get out of here." I said. "What about you? Will you be going to the collage?"

"I don't know." Hayden mumbled.
"Why? You're really smart Hayden you should!" I said. He just shrugged.

"In which collage are you going?"

"Maybe UCLA." i said.
"In California?"
"Yeah. I always liked California and warm weather." I said.

When we finished eating we both lay on the blanket looking at the stars.

"This is really cliche." Hayden said, I laughed at him.
"Yeah, like the Fault In Our Stars."

"What?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"It a book, you should watch the movie." I said.
"Okay, I will."

"It's so beautiful." I said.

"Yeah." Hayden mumbled smiling at me. "will you be my girlfriend?"
"What?" I said.

"Will you be my girl Hope?"

"Yes." I smiled at him and packed him on the lips. He flashed me one of his rare smiles and hugged me to his chests.

"I have liked you since the first time I saw you." Hayden said. I raise an eyebrow at him. "well I liked your body but then I started liking you."

"Since when?"
"Maybe the first time when you stood up to me. You're pain in the ass but your my pain in the ass." I could hear my heart skip a beat at his words.

"Well you're an asshole but your my asshole." I said.

"I'm falling for you, hard." he said.
"I think I'm falling for you too."

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