Chapter 17.

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Hope P.O.V.

"Let's go!" Bruce yelled.
"I'm coming, chill." I said walking into the living room.

"Nope, you're not wearing that!" Bruce said pointing at my outfit.

"Why?" I asked. I'm wearing black and gray shorts, white top and black boots.
"'s too sexy for you!" Bruce said.

"What? Wow thanks Bruce." I said raising my eyebrow.

"I didn't mean it like that, you will always be my lil' sis, and I don't want guys looking at you." Bruce mumble.

"Aw, don't worry Bruce." I said giving him bear hug.

"Whatever, let's go kick some asses!"
"Hell yeah!" I said fist pumping the air.


"Are we there?' Bruce asked for the tenth time.
"Yes we are, God, you're annoying!" I said parking my car while people crowded around it.

"Shut up!" Bruce said getting out of the car. I chuckled, and got out.

"Yo Hope!" A.J. yelled.
"Hey A.J.!" I said.  Bruce stood beside me looking at A.J. with raised eyebrow, I smirked at him. "this is my friend Bruce, Bruce this is A.J."

"Nice to meet ya man." A.J. said smiling at Bruce. Bruce just nodded at him. "So.. you up for a race Hope?"

"Naah,  but Bruce is." I said.
"You race?" A.J. asked Bruce. Bruce nodded at him and mumbled under his breath "No shit." only I heard him so I smirked at him.
"Okay then, you are gonna be racing in 10 minutes." A.J. said.
"Thanks." I said and dragged Bruce to meet the gang. I walked at their usual spot to see them all  here, even Hayden.

"Hey." I said to them.

"Hey." They all said.
"Sup babe?" Matt said hugging me. Bruce pull me out of Matt's arms and glare at him.

"Wow, chill dude!" Matt said. Bruce just kept glaring at him. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Guys this is Bruce, Bruce these are the guys." I said.

"Great introduction." Justin said sarcastically. "I'm Justin, that's Eli, Chace, Jake, Ryder, Matt and Hayden." they all bro hugged except for Hayden who's glaring at everything around him.

"Hope are you racing tonight?" Ryder asked.
"No, Bruce is!" I told them while pointing at Bruce.

"Cool, me and Eli are racing tonight too, so good luck." Ryder smirked at Eli and he smirked back. I raised eyebrow at that.

"I won't need it." Bruce said winking at me. I smiled at him. He's the best racer I ever known, except my brother, they both taught me to race.

"Oooh!" The guys yelled punching Ryder and Eli and laughing at them.

"WOW, WOW!" Jake yelled. He turn to me and Bruce. "so are you two together or what?"
"Yeah we are together so back off." Bruce snapped at them. I raise my eyebrow at him. Jake put his hands up and look at me. I look away at him to see Chace narrowing his eyes at me. Awkward.

"Hey, who's your new friend?" High peach voice said. I look at the sound to see 16 year old girl rubbing her boobs against Bruce's chest. Bruce push her away.

"Sorry I'm not pedophile." He told her while we all started laughing really hard at that.
"I'm sixteen!" She yelled at him.
"Exactly." Bruce told her. She glared at us and walk away, I chucked at that.

"How old are you?" Matt asked Bruce while he tried to breath normal.

"I'm twenty-two." Bruce said.
"Aren't you too old for lil' Hope?" Matt asked.

"I'm eighteen!!!" I yelled at them. "how old are you?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm twenty." Matt smirked at me. "so you like older guys?"
"Back off Romeo!" Ryder said.

"Yo, the race is about to start!" Jake said. Bruce turned to me. I groaned and tossed him my keys.

"Don't hurt my baby!" I warned him.
"I won't." Bruce said walking off to my car. While Ryder and Eli got in their cars.

Why didn't you told us you are with somebody?" Jake asked me.

"Chill, we aren't together, he just told you guys we are so you wouldn't try anything, he's like overprotective older brother." Jake smirked at Hayden while he continue glaring at everybody.

"So you're single?" Matt asked.

"Give up already Matty Poo!" Justin said.
"Matty Poo?" I asked. They looked at each other smiling like retards and then begin to laugh. I just stood there awkwardly waiting for them to stop laughing while Matt glared at them and Hayden was texting.

"We're gonna tell ya later, race is 'bout to begin." Jake said.

"Okay.." I said still feeling awkward. We walk to the start, Bruce is in my black Ferrari, when he saw me he winked. There is one more guy racing with Bruce, Eli and Ryder.

"Wanna be start girl Hope?" A.J. asked.

"Sure, give me a flag." I said.
"Uh I forgot it at my house, so you have to take off you bra, when you throw it in the air they start." A.J. said nervously thinking I won't do it.
"Sure." I said.

"What?!" boys and A.J. yelled surprised. I smirked and seductively walked between Elli's and Bruce's car.

"Ready!" I yelled while I unbuttoned my bra. Crowd cheered.
"Steady!" Good thing I wore strapless bra tonight.
"Go!" I throw my bra in the air as cars passed me. Crowed cheered louder as some guys wolf whistled and tried to get to my bra. Matt threw an arm around me and  whispered. "I wish your shirt  lifted up a little." I chucked at pushed him  off me.

"I got it!" Guy yelled while showing everybody my black lacy bra. Hayden glared at the guy, he walked to him and took my bra from him. He throw it at me.

"Put it on!" He dangerously said. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"I can't put it in front of you all."
"Why?" Jake asked.

"Oh I don't know, maybe cuz' you would see my boobs."

"We don't mind at all, put it on." Justin said smirking. I rolled my eyes at them.
"Boys." I mumbled while carefully putting my bra on praying to God that my shirt doesn't lift up.

"Aw, if you show us your boobs I'm gonna show you my abs." Matt said.

"No thanks." I said just as cars came racing to the end. Bruce was on the second place with Eli leading. I smirked at that, Bruce always do that, he makes you think you're gonna win then he beats your ass. Little before end Bruce overtook Eli and he won. Bruce at the first place, Eli second, Ryder third and the other guy forth. Bruce got out of the car grinning while Eli and Ryder cursing and looking at Bruce adorably.

"Woho!! And the new guy won!" A.J. yelled as crowed cheered, me along them.

"You're good." Ryder said to Bruce.
"Good? He's awesome, he beat your asses out there!" Jake said.
"Whatever." Ryder and Eli mumbled. Bruce glared at me, uh-oh trouble..

"Congratulation!" I said while smiling nervously at Bruce, he's gonna kill me.

"Why the fuck did you took off you bra in front of crowd full of guys Hope?!" Bruce calmly said.
"Haha funny story.." I said.
"Really? I would gladly want to hear it." Bruce said.
"I'm s-" Just as I was about to apologize, police sirens cut me off, shit!

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