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Aidens POV

It's been three days and Lexi still isn't back. I'm getting seriously worried now. I've checked at Silver Moon pack but she's not there either. Right now I'm at the pub.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks.

"Something strong." I reply.

He nods his head then reaches behind the counter, grabbing a bottle and some shot glasses. He poured the liquid into five different glasses and I down them all. Werewolves have a high tolerance to alcohol so I'm surprised when that takes quite a toll on me.

"Woah, that is quite strong!" I say, squinting at the shot glass.

I hold it out indicating to the bartender I want more. He rolls his eyes slightly and pours more into the shot glass. I down it then just frown at the bottom of the shot glass, holding it out again.

"Here, have the bottle. That'll cost you a fiver."

I slam the money down on the counter and grab the bottle downing it then leaving. I walked, clearly drunk, towards the pack house. When I get there I see Rima, the whore herself, waiting for me. She gets up and does that weird sexy walk towards me.

"How you doing?" I ask, stumbling slightly.

"You're drunk?" She Says.

"No.. maybe.. probly!" I say, my vision all blurry.

I look through my new, drunken sight and see she's actually quite good looking. Still got nothing on Lexi though. Hunter, Lexis friend, said that she'll come back in her own time. Rima comes closer to me and starts trailing her hand down my chest.

"Perfect." She smiles.

"I'm perfect!" I say out of the blue.

"Yes, you are."She leans closer to me and crashes her lips against mine.

I kiss her back and she drags me up the stairs.

"Where we going?" I ask.

"Your room." She smirks.

Lexis POV

I'm roaming round the forest. I've been living off forest creatures for the past three days and I'm surprised no ones found me. Just as I think that a big grey wolf pounces on me and starts snarling.

I start shaking under his weight.

I'm in wolf form so this wolf obviously doesn't recognise me.

He throws over some clothes and steps behind a tree. I can hear bones cracking and a second layer he steps out form behind it with a pair of shorts on. My stomach drops. Austin?

"Shift!" He shouts. I flinch then step behind a tree, shifting then pulling the clothes on. I've been in wolf form this whole time so I didn't realise how dirty I was.

I step timidly out from behind the tree and see as Austin looks at me, his eyes wide with shock.

"I-I'm so sorry, you smelt like a rogue I didn't realise it was you!" He bows his head in shame.

"How did you find me?" It came out more of a whisper.

"I was on patrol and saw your wolf. Where have you been, Aidens been so worried about you! He looked for you everywhere!"

"Yeah, so he could see me and reject me!" I shout, tears forming in my eyes.

Austin looks surprised at this.
"What? Rima said you were going to reject him?"

Alphas Luna - COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon