《Chapter 1》

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Beep, beep!

5am, and it was time for Jin to get up and go to university.

He sat there for a minute studying every crack on his ceiling, he lived with his parents in his old room that really needed some renovation. He didn't mind though, and got up to go get ready.

He got dressed in his his usual clothing, a plain button up shirt and black jeans. He then combed his hair and stopped when he looked in the mirror.

"Bags.." he said quietly while studying his eyes.

"So this is what a broken man looks like.."


"Hey there Mr. Worldwide handsome," he suddenly heard from one of his friends, Jungkook.

"Oh hello to you too."

"Finally!" The smaller boy, Jimin, said looking up at Jin.

"Sorry.. slow morning." He said with a fake smile.

"Okay.. well we better get to class. Let's go!" The short boy suddenly said after a few moments of silence.


-Timeskip to Lunch-

They were all sitting at their usual lunch table, eating their lunch.
Jin had a small lunch, while Jimin and Jungkook were literally stuffing their faces.

They were just trying to enjoy their lunch but a sudden scream broke them from their talking when they saw punches being thrown across the room.

"Oh it's just Yoongi again." Jungkook sighed with an annoyed look.

"Isn't Yoongi like best friends with your crush Mr. Worldwide Handsome?" Jimin said with a slight smirk.

"Oh shut up," Jin said while leaning over to smack his arm.

They were the only ones who knew his secret.

"Hey Jin, could you buy me a PB&J? I'm out of money and-" the smaller boy said breaking the silence.

"HEY! You know you can't have Jams!" Jungkook said cutting him off.

"Oh fuck off!"

"I swear you two are still in 8th grade." Jin said with a slight smile.

"Oh shut up shoulders!" They both said in unison.

They all just laughed and had small talk until lunch was over.



"Hey dude, come on you've skipped university 2 days already you need to go tomorrow," A worrying Hobi said.

"I know I'm going to I just needed a break."

"From what? Are you okay? Do I need to-"

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