《Chapter 9》

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I left the poor man alone in the apartment. This wasn't the greatest time to but I knew what I had to do. Ace was feeding him lies and I needed to put an end to him ruining my life once and for all.

I pull up to the familiar house and see the familiar car in the driveway.

"So he still has the same car, and same house? Tsk.. how stupid can you get." I then turn the engine off and slam the door. My anger building up more and more inside as I got closer to the front door.

I didn't even bother knocking, I barged in and saw him sitting in his living room smoking.

"Ahh Joon I was expecting you sooner or later. Did that poor boy break you? He was definitely easier than your other precious friends."

"Shut the fuck up! I'm done with your games and I'm done with this! Why do you hate me so much? I did nothing to you!"

"Oh.. but it's simple, Joon. You're simply a barrier in my way. All those years when we were friends was all fake. You were my target all along... ever since my father died. Yes, he was the owner of this gang I'm in now, and he's always targeted your blood line because of some deals your father made with mine." This was all complete bullshit, he knows I had nothing to do with my father's business, I didn't even know his father was dealing with mine.

"First of all, you know I had nothing to do with my father's business and I knew nothing about it! Why would you do this to me?!" I started tearing up as all these years his friendship was fake.. how do I trust anyone ever again?

"Joon.. Joon.. Joon.. You know.. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." He was stepping closer to me with every word he said and then he suddenly pulled out a gun. The smirk on his face never fading away.

I froze as I saw him point the gun at my face.

This is the end, this is over. I thought.

But then I remembered, I left Jin in such a confused mind set, and he's in such a bad state. I remembered him showing those scars to me and how he said, "I'm sure as hell sick of my entire life and I'm ready for it to end already!"

I can't leave him like that, not this way.

I love him.

"Any last words, Joon?"

"Goodbye" I said with a sudden rage building inside me, I know what I had to do. His smirk seemed to grow wider at that sentence but soon faded after what I did next.

I suddenly turned around and elbowed him right in the nose and grabbed his arms pulling the gun from his wrists, I got away and pointed the gun straight at him.

"Game over." I said as the rage encouraged me to pull the tirgger.

I hesitated because I saw his smirk growing once again while looking at his TV screen that I didn't notice was playing.

"No it seems like it's game over for him."

I then look at the TV screen to see what looks like him watching a recording off a security camera, and I notice a figure on the screen.

It was Jin..
And he was curled up on the floor crying his eyes out with a knife in his hand. He was putting it to his wrists, getting deeper each time he pulled back and made another cut.

That's when my rage inside me finally let lose.



Just to clear this up, Ace was the nickname he had in the gang so that's why he goes by that. Namjoon didn't just make up the name whenever he was telling the story.

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