《Chapter 10》

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Each cut stung but it isn't helping like it used to.

I didn't know what else to do. Maybe Ace was actually telling the truth, but I should trust Namjoon.. I love him.

I was so confused, and the more I thought about it the deeper I cut.

"Agh it isn't working anymore!" I threw the knife away somewhere in the corner of the room and then I got up to reach for some pills in the medicine cabinet, which ones would take me away faster? I was so deep in the depression and my sobs were so loud I didn't even notice someone was in the house.

Suddenly, I felt warm arms around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. Then I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear,

"Jin.. please.. don't.." I could sense the hurt in his voice, as he turned me around to face him.

"Yah! What do you want Namjoon?! Just let me die already I don't want to be here!" My sobs were uncontrollable at this point and I was trying to get away, but his strong arms kept me secure in his warmth.

"Jin please listen..." I didn't answer and I just looked away.

"Look at me Jin! Please.."

I sat there for a moment until finally giving in. I looked at the boy and saw all of the heart break and worry in his eyes.

"What Ace told you.. I would never do those things.. Everything he told you was a lie. He has been set out to ruin my life ever since he joined the gang because of my father, and he is only set out to ruin the things I love." Tears rolling down Namjoons cheeks as he spoke.

There it was again.. that sentence. Did he really return the same feelings as me..?

"That's right Jin, I've been meaning to tell this to you for awhile now...

I love you."

It was dead silent. I was completely frozen, I was filled with so many emotions I couldn't cope, but those words flipped a switch in my brain and I couldn't stop myself.

I leaned in, crashing my plump lips onto his soft pink ones that I've been dying to taste ever since I first laid my eyes on him. His arms were still wrapped around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck, running my fingers through the hair on the back of his head. I couldn't get enough of it. The kiss was filled with so much passion, and so many different emotions. Our lips connected like puzzle pieces that go perfectly together.

I then broke the kiss, leaning my forehead on his, both of us panting from the sudden kiss.

"I love you, too."



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