《Chapter 29》

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I let out a shaky sigh.

Today is the day...

We were at Jimin's house getting ready for the wedding.

"Hey! Pay attention don't you see I'm ranting here!" Jimin said as Jungkook giggled.

"No ranting on my day! I want today to be.. p-perfect." I stuttered and then sadly sighed.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Jungkook questioned coming towards me.

I plopped on the couch resting my face in my hands, "I'm a w-wreck." I Soon felt hot tears on my hands, "I'm just.. I'm upset that I don't even have my parents here. I know I'm not happy with them but I always dreamed to have my parents watch me get married."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Jungkook said getting up walking towards the door. After a few seconds I soon heard yelling,

"Where is he?!" A sudden familiar voice yelled. Then suddenly I saw a woman burst into the living room with tears streaming down her face.

"M-mom?!" I stuttered looking at the familiar woman.

"Baby I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

"W-" Before I could say anything she cut me off.

"Please let me explain.." I nodded as a signal to keep going, "I'm so sorry for not sticking up for you, I was brainwashed by your father, and if I did anything against him he'd kill me... and you know that, but I realized I shouldn't let that stop me from being with my own son. He bailed himself out of jail a few weeks ago and I couldn't stand him anymore so I escaped. I love you dearly and I just want you to know I'm so sorry, and I know that I'm a terrible mother... I understand if you don't want me in your life anymore but just know that I support that you're gay, and I'll do my best to be a better mother."

"Mom.. don't worry I know what dad was capable of but.. how did you find me?"

"Oh, your father told me where you were staying when he found you that night, and I went to the place to find a boy I didn't know.. I think his name was Namjoon? He gave me the address, he's such a sweet boy. Is he who you've been living with?"

"Yeah.. he took me in. I've been living with him for awhile."

"Then why are you over here?"

"Well.. uh.. I'm getting ready for a wedding.."

"Oh! Who is getting married?! Do I know them?"

"Yeah.. actually pretty well." I giggled nervously, "Mom, I'm getting married.."

She seemed really shocked, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! TO WHO?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME-"

"Mom.. I'm marrying Namjoon."

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you!! I knew that boy had something up his sleeve when he was in a suit! I'm so happy for you sweetie, but why didn't you tell me?"

"Uhh.. I thought you h-hated me." I stuttered looking down. She then rushed over to me pulling me into a tight hug.

"No, no, no, sweetie I love you. Now let's get you ready for that wedding!"


"I'm so nervous.." I said playing with the white bowtie around my neck. I was standing right behind a door with Jungkook waiting for the piano music to play as a signal to walk in.

"Jinnie, don't be. I'm right here!" Jungkook said. We decided since my dad wasn't here that the best man would walk me down the isle. Jimin threw a fit since I picked Jungkook but he'll get over it.

Suddenly, the music started playing. I was frozen on the spot and started shaking, "Come on Jin, you'll be fine as soon as you get up there with Joon."

"O-okay.." I said shakily. We then began to start walking and the doors opened, revealing the love of my life standing at the end of the isle looking as handsome as ever. My eyes started getting teary just looking at him.

I started walking down the isle with Jungkook beside me and made eye contact with my mother who was in tears. I couldn't help but shed a tear myself seeing her, I was so happy she is here. I can't believe she finally escaped my father.

I then stepped up to where Namjoon was, standing in front of him admiring his beauty as the priest started speaking.

Now it was time for our vows, Namjoon started first.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I feel so lucky to have you. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you freshmen year I was drawn to you for some reason, but because of what happened to my parents I locked those feelings away.. that was until fate came in and pushed you into the road where I was driving. I know it's a really bad way to find the love of your life, but ever since seeing you laying in the hospital bed almost dead, it flipped a switch in me telling me to make a move, so I did. I don't ever regret inviting you to stay with me when you had nowhere to go. Thank you for helping me get over my parents death and making me the man I am today. We've been through so much heartbreak and hardships together.. hell I even watched you flatline... and that's when I realized I can't live without you. I love you so much Kim Seokjin, and I hope you realize that."

I broke down in sobs after hearing that and I almost couldn't even say my vow but I calmed down enough to,

"So, today is the day I'm getting married to the love of my life. I never pictured this to ever happen, I felt I wouldn't ever be happy because I was trapped in a pit of depression caused by my own father. Thank you for pulling me out and even saving my l-life a few times. The day you rushed into that bathroom was the day I realized I was completely, utterly, deeply, unconditionally in love with you. I hope from this day on we spend the rest of our lives together. I love you Kim Namjoon, even if we were Accidentally Perfect." I then looked into his eyes to see his eyes become glassy, I didn't realize my words would actually make him cry.

Suddenly the priest spoke again, "Do you Kim Namjoon, take Kim Seokjin as your husband, to have and to hold in rich and poor, sickness and health, till death do you part?"

"I do." He said without hesitation.

"Do you Kim Seokjin, take Kim Namjoon as your husband, to have and to hold in rich and poor, sickness and health, till death do you part?"

"I do." I said looking him straight in the eyes smiling.

Jimin then brought up the rings, I slipped Namjoon's on his fingers, and he did the same for mine.

"You may now kiss the groom."

We both leaned in crashing our lips together as the people started clapping.

We were now officially married. The love of my life was now my husband and I couldn't be happier..


Idk I don't pay attention to weddings this is my version so deal with it 😘




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