《Chapter 2》

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It was a cold night, looked like it was about to rain. Rain always put me into a state of rethinking what had happened that one night.

I used to be happy, until it happened. I used to be so close with other people, and I didn't have trouble getting along with people.

One thing messed it up, and that was me. It was my own fault, I was stupid enough to do it. I trusted the wrong person.

I used to be best friends with this.. guy. I still to this day refuse to say his name. So let's just call him Ace. Ace was my childhood friend and we did everything together.

That was until he joined a gang and messed up our friendship forever. I didn't know why he did it, but he was acting weird a few weeks before, distancing himself from me. I didn't know what to think of it, I just thought he was sick or something. Anyway, the leader knew we were close, since we grew up together. So, the leader took advantage of it to get him to do the hardest jobs. The leader would threaten to do things to me and eventually, Ace grew tired of it. He started to hate me, because I was "ruining" his "perfect gang life", which I didn't even know. I don't know what got into him, he just suddenly started hating me ever since he joined the gang, but his hatred grew worse as the days went on. I never got to see him because of the gang, but we still called and messaged. That was until the calls and texts stopped.

The gang changed him forever.

I'll never forget that night, it was a few months ago, but I still remember every detail. That was the night he finally messaged me, explaining how he hated me and all of that, but didn't ever explain why. The message after the explaining is what got to me,

The text had said, "Hey Namjoon, thanks to you the gang keeps debunking me and casting me out so they gave me one last job to go through with and prove myself worthy. But guess what, I get to make up what job I do. So, I decided.. why not a little bit of revenge..?
See you! xoxo"

I was confused at first, until I heard the screams coming from my parents room, but before I could react it went dead silent.

He killed them.

Just to prove himself to the gang. He chose them over me, his best friend.

And since that night, I closed up all of my emotions, and refuse to let them out. I refuse to get close to anyone. I don't look to the future, and I just feel empty.

I was so deep in thought until I saw the dark figure in the road, I tried to stop but Yoongi hasn't been able to fix my brakes yet, so they barely worked.

"Damn it Yoongi!"

I tried with all my force to stop, the figure was getting closer and I felt like I was in slow motion. That was, until it was too late.




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