《Chapter 13》

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"Finally." Another day at university was finally over, it was the day we told our friends about our relationship and basically came out to the school. We did get a few weird looks but I didn't mind it, as long as I had my Joonie by my side.

"Hey babe, what's on your mind?" He suddenly spoke. I noticed he was plopped on the couch staring at me as I was standing there lost in thought.

"Nothing.. just I can't believe our friends are happy for us." I then walked towards him, plopping down next to him and placing my arms around him.

"Well, why wouldn't they? If they are true friends they'll accept what makes you happy..." I nodded and then he started to speak again, "..by the way I've seen Jungkook and Taehyung sneaking off together lately. Any idea what that's about?"

"Ha they must be getting closer." I then winked at him, knowing he knew what I meant by that.

We then sat there for about an hour or so cuddling until Namjoon broke the silence.



"Do you want to go on a date tomorrow, since today's Friday.."

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? We've never actually been on a date before."

"Oh shit.. I've been so caught up in stuff I haven't realized.."

"It's okay, babe" I then placed a small kiss on his lips silencing him.

I planned to pull away after a few seconds, but when I did he pulled me back into a deeper and more passionate kiss. He then pulled me closer to him and lifting me to where I was sitting on his lap, kissing as if it was the last time we'd ever kiss.

It was such a wonderful moment, but us being human beings we eventually broke the kiss catching our breath, both of us panting heavily, my forehead leaning on his.

"I love you" I managed to finally say after catching my breath.

"I love you, too Jinnie." He then smiled.

"Anyway, what do you want for dinner?" I said.

"Hmm.. how about we order some pizza and cuddle while watching some horror movies in my room..?"

"Wow! Dinner in bed, cuddling, AND horror movies? Ahh you know me too well." I smiled and placed a small kiss on his cheek and got up to order the pizza.


Once the pizza got here we finally headed up to the room. I placed the pizza on the bed and got the bed ready while he chose the movie. As the movie started to play we both got into the bed and I wrapped my arms around him placing my head on his chest inhaling his amazing scent.

We were watching the movie and eating pizza without a word when Namjoon suddenly broke the silence,



"What did I do to deserve you?"

"I should be asking you that."

"No.. really Jin.. I closed up all of my emotions and acted so cold hearted towards you, yet you still managed to break me and make me the happiest man alive."

"Joonie, you do realize we met by you hitting me with a speeding car?" I then let out a slight chuckle but he still kept a straight face.

"It was like an accident that was meant to happen."

"Accidentally Perfect?"

"Something like that."



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