《Chapter 4》

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It took a lot of convincing but Jimin and Jungkook finally agreed to let me move in with him. I told them everything about what had happened with my parents, and they would let me stay with them but they didn't have any room. So, it was settled I'm officially moving in with my crush.



"So this is my apartment, I live alone but my friends like to barge in all the time. I just hope no one is here right now." Namjoon started to unlock the door while I was standing there with my crutches. They were going to take so long to get used to, the metal felt so cold against my still slightly bruised skin. I was healing pretty quick for being hit by a speeding car.

"Namjoon!" I heard the sudden voice as he opened the door to a small boy with a gummy smile. I recognized him as one of his best friends from school.

"Oh hey Yoongi" Namjoon responded with a friendly tone.

"Who is this?" Yoongi had said with questioning eyes.

"Hello. I'm Jin and I'll be staying with Namjoon for a bit."

"OH! I'm sorry I didn't notice the crutches... So you're the guy he ran over?" He let out a slight chuckle at the last line.

"Yeah.. lucky me." I said with an annoyed glare.

"Anyway, let's get your stuff in. Care to leave for a bit Yoongs?" Namjoon said before he went back to the car to get my suitcase.

Once Yoongi left, I was alone in the apartment. It was quite nice actually, not too small and not too big. It had a nice brown theme to it and felt like a really comfy apartment.

 It had a nice brown theme to it and felt like a really comfy apartment

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"Alright. Here's your stuff, I'll put it in the guest room for you."




We were both sitting down in the living room awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

It had happened so fast, he barely knew me yet let me move in with him and he seemed to.. care?

He suddenly broke the silence, "Okay, I'm sick of this silence. I usually don't get close to people, and I'm usually a really cold hearted person but since you're living with me, it wouldn't hurt to get to know you better. So shoot some questions at me and I'll do the same for you."

I started with the first question, "Why don't you get close to others? You're really close with Yoongi it seems."

He sat there for a minute before responding. He looked slightly annoyed at the question, "Look it's not easy to explain and I really don't want to. Yes, I'm close with Yoongi, and I also have two others I'm close to, but that's it. I shut people out."

"Then what makes me different?"

He seemed to look frozen at the words, unable to respond.

After a few moments of silence he finally said something,


"What?" I was really confused at the sudden anger in his tone and cold look on his face.

"I can't do this." He said as he got up and walked away, he grabbed his car keys and stormed out.

I sat there for a minute, confused. Did I do something wrong? Why is he being so difficult?

He's obviously hiding something.

Why did I have to fall for the "difficult" guy.. he'll never have the same feelings for me.


Heyy so I might update quite a lot since it's the weekend and finals are finally over, yayyy!

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