《Chapter 28》

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"We're getting married!!" I screamed as I held up my finger showing the ring to the other boys. It was once again Monday, so that meant school.

"Congratulations!!" Jimin screamed and then he hugged me.

"So when is your wedding?" Namjoon said looking straight at the taekook couple.

"Uhh I-..." Taehyung stuttered.

"Come on I'm kidding!" He giggled.

All of a sudden we saw a boy heading towards us.. specifically a boy we didn't want to see ever again. It was the leader of the group of boys in the gang Ace was in.

"Hey.." He said.

"Get out of our sight." Yoongi hissed.

"Look I just wanted to apologize for all we've done. We really didn't know what went down but the gang is strict on sticking up for other members. Then we searched Ace's place and found his diary with everything in it, and our gang is strict against punishing innocents. Except only the top leader of the gang can.. Anyways, you did nothing to him and he attacked you for no reason," The boy sighed. "We're really sorry.. I know we're in a gang, but we're not completely heartless."

"Oh.. well thank you for apologizing but-" I said.

"We also wanted to repay what you had to pay for hospital bills.. by the way, congratulations on the engagement Namjoon and Jin." He then looked at the rings.

Namjoon then stuck out his hand and shook hands with him, while he handed over money to cover for the bills, "Thank you for apologizing and owning up to what you did. I respect that. You're invited to the wedding if you'd like?" Namjoon said.

"Ah, sure why not?" The boy said.

"By the way.." I butted in, "What's your name?"



"How do you want this wedding to go?" I asked Namjoon once we got home.

"I don't mind where it is, or what goes on.. as long as I'm getting married to you." He then leaned in giving me a soft peck on the lips making me blush.

"Ah Joonie! Stop being cheesy and help me out with the planning!" I said.

"Okay babe.." He giggled.

"Okay! Looks like we're all set!" I said after hours of planning. I then looked over to see Namjoon fast asleep on my shoulder, "Ahh.. what a cutie.." I then got comfortable and soon drifted off the dreamland too.


The next day after school..

"Jimin and Jungkook you're coming with me!" I said while our group was walking out of the building.

"Where to, hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"We need to look at tuxedos for the wedding!" I screamed maybe a bit too loud.

"Okay Jin, we get it you're excited." Hobi chuckled.

"Ah, in that case the rest of you come with me." Namjoon said.

Then we were all off to go find tuxedos. Jungkook, Jimin and I all took Jimin's car. Namjoon, Hobi, Yoongi, and Taehyung all took Yoongi's huge car. Both our groups went to two different stores.

"How does this one look?" I asked stepping out of the dressing room. Namjoon and I had planned that I would wear a white tux, and he would wear black.

"Jin you look amazing!" Jimin squealed.

"White is really your color, hyung!" Jungkook said.

"Alright, I'll take this one then. Did you guys find yours?"

"Yes!" They both said in unison.

"Okay let's go then!"

All three of us then went out to our favorite restaurant, just like the old times before we met the others.

"Jin, I can't believe you're already getting married.." Jimin said sadly.

"I can't either! But why do you sound sad Chim Chim?" I used his old nickname I used to use.

"It's usually supposed to be the other way around since I'm younger, but you're growing up so fast, hyung!" Jimin said.

"I agree," Jungkook said with a mouth full of noodles.

"Didn't I teach you manners Jungkook?! No talking with your mouth full!" I snapped.

"He's still our second mother though.." Jungkook giggled looking at Jimin who was trying hold back laughter.

"Just promise us you won't go running off and leaving us alone once you're married, Jin." Jungkook seriously said after a few seconds.

"I promise I won't Kookie. Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I'm completely changing! I still love you both like my children and I never want to leave you."

"We love you too, hyung."


Who's ready for the wedding??


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