《Chapter 12》

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I was awoken to the sound of my alarm and tried to get up but I couldn't move.

I looked down to see Jin clinging onto me as he snores softly, I sat there for a minute admiring his perfect features... from his silky black hair to his soft plump lips.

God he's perfect...

..to think he had to suffer through all that pain.

I finally feel a source of happiness, ever since I pulled that trigger, and finally confessing my feelings to Jin. I had a little bit of guilt for killing Ace, but I had to do it.

I needed to protect the love of my life.

I stared back down at him and realised I should probably wake him up if we don't want to be late.

"Babe, wake up." I shook him a little to try to wake him.

He slowly but surely opened his eyes. Then I saw the smile spread across his face once he looked at me, which made me smile myself. He looked so cute in the morning with his messy bed hair.

"Good morning Joonie." He said with his deep morning voice which sent shivers down my spine.

"Let's get ready." I finally said.

"Awe but Joooooniiiieeee... I wanna cuddleeee.." He gave me a pout.

"Jin.. You know we have to go to school. We can cuddle when we get home." It was so hard to resist his pout but I was successful... barely.


"By the way, you should probably wear a big hoodie so it covers the wraps.. I don't want the school calling your parents. Look, I'm not trying to sound bad or anything but I don't want anymore trouble.." I admit it sounded harsh but I really didn't want his parents called after what they did to him.

"I was going to anyway. I mean, I wear long sleeves all the time anyway, I'm used-" I immediately regret what I said after his response, but I silenced him with my lips on his.

"And soon you won't be." I whispered, then hurried out of the room to change in the bathroom.

Once I was ready I went downstairs and started to make breakfast, I dont want him leaving on an empty stomach.

As I was cooking I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Whatcha makinnn?"

I smiled and turned to see my boyfriend sitting there with a cute smile, "Just some bacon and toast. It's ready now though, so eat up and then let's head to school."


We walked into the school holding hands. I honestly didn't give a shit what others thought about us, I'm finally happy.

"Babe, when are we gonna tell our friends?" Jin said with questioning eyes.

"Let's tell them at lunch.." I paused, thinking, "but why don't we be extra and just kiss in front of them acting like it's a normal thing?" I felt a smirk grow across my cheeks as I spoke and I saw his face start to redden.

"God you're extra."

"You know you love me though." I then gave him a peck on the cheek and ran off to class.



Finally time to tell the others..

I was sitting at our usual table with Yoongi, Tae, and Hobi. We were eating our lunch and I saw Tae staring at me.

"What?" I questioned him.

"You just seem.. happier than normal today. What's up?" After saying that he stuffed his face with his fries.

"What? It's nothing." I then looked up to see Jin walking towards us with Jimin and Jungkook.

As they got closer I put the plan in action. I walked up to him when he was close enough.

"Hey babe," I said loud enough for them to hear, and gave him a soft peck on his lips. I then put my arm around his waist pulling him closer and walked him towards the table, only to see four faces filled with shock... and one choking Taehyung caused by him stuffing his face with fries a few seconds before.

After a few seconds though the shock was broken by a screaming Yoongi, "AHH THAT'S MY BOY! YOU GOT YOUR CRUSH!"

"Wait.. crush?" I heard Jin say.

"Let's just say I've had a slight crush on you for awhile.. but that doesn't matter anymore because you're mine now." I smiled brightly at him.

"Huh.. isn't that funny because Jin has had a crush on you ever since freshmen year of HIGHSCHOOL. To think we're freshmen in university now and happen to go to the same university. Haha!" Jimin said excitedly, obviously trying to embarrass Jin. I was frozen at the words though, he had a crush on me too?

"You guys are official?!" Jungkook said, then started to smile.

"Yep." Jin responded, and then I felt a soft peck on my cheek from him, which brought me out of my thoughts, making my face turn red.

The rest of lunch contained small congratulations from the five boys as we sat there all becoming closer as a group of friends.

My life seems to be taking a positive turn for once.


S O F T !¡!¡!

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