《Chapter 16》

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"Um excuse me sirs.." I suddenly heard a female voice say. I looked up quickly to see a waitress standing there with a notepad, probably to take our order.

"Oh.. sorry.." Jin suddenly said his cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

"Oh don't worry. We get couples here a lot but not as cute as you two." She said with a bright smile.

"Thank you!" I said with a smile slowly growing on my face. I look over to Jin to see him put on a nervous smile.

"Alright, can I take your orders?" She said still with a bright smile, holding up her pen and notepad.

We ordered and when she walked away I looked over to Jin and noticed he looked uneasy, "Babe, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He said with a sigh.

I frowned, "I know when something is wrong with you Jin."

"I just... I was worried she'd be weirded out by.. um.. us.. It kinda brought back memories of my parents.."

"Jin, I know they're your parents but.. You need to stop wasting your time on worrying about your sexuality, it's how you are and they need to accept it. What matters now is if you're happy.. and if you're not happy then just tell me."

"Joon.. I'm my happiest when I'm with.. you." He smiled, looked me straight in the eyes, and his eyes started to become glassy.

"I love you." I blurted.

"I love you too, Joonie."

That was when our food came in and we had small talks about our childhood, stories about our friends, etc. It was really nice, and I'm really happy with Jin. He makes me feel complete.

Once we finished our food it was time to go and we both got in the car. I turned on the radio to hear one of my favorite songs and suddenly heard him humming to it.

"You like this song?" I asked.

"Are you kidding? It's my favorite!" He said looking at me with a smile.

"That's funny because it's my favorite too." I then laughed and we both sung along together.

His voice was heavenly.. god I didn't know he could sing..

When we got home we went inside and I plopped on the couch. He was right in front of me when I decided to bring it up,

"Jin, I didn't know you could sing."

He started blushing, "What?"

"In the car, when you were singing it was so beautiful. I.... didn't know it was possible, but I think it made me fall for you even more." I said with a smirk, at this point his face was as red as a tomato and he couldn't look me in the eye.

"Shut up" he said shyly, then picked up the pillow on the chair next to him and threw it at me.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that," I said with a laugh and got up. I then started chasing him around the apartment. I haven't had this much fun in so long.

I was chasing him and at this point I was running faster. I then jumped on his back making both of us crash to the floor.

He then wasn't moving as I was on top of him, so I turned him around to see his eyes weren't open.

"Jin! I'm sorry did I hurt you?! Wake up!" I shook him violently, but he suddenly broke into laughter.

"Got you!" He said while laughing.

"Jin don't fucking do that I thought I hurt you." I tried to sound angry but I don't think it was working.

"Aw babe do you really care for me that much?" I was still on top of him, him looking up at me with those sparkling orbs in his eyes and that beautiful smile on his face. At this point I couldn't stop myself.. I've been holding back for too long.

I cupped his cheeks and brought my face down to his, connecting our lips roughly. He was surprised at first but melted into the kiss shortly. We were having such a passionate kiss but I wanted more.

I then got up bringing him with me, not breaking the kiss. Luckily we were right by my room. I opened the door violently closing the door behind us.

When I got to the bed I finally broke the kiss to shove him onto the soft sheets and blankets only to pounce back onto him. I pinned both of his arms above his head going back to violently kissing him. I then separated again only to start trailing kisses down his neck, he seemed to be holding back his moans so I started looking for his sensitive spot. He was breathing so heavily, until I found the special spot on his neck. I bit onto it swirling my tounge over it to create a soon to be purple mark, and as soon as I did he broke out into a fit of moans, and god were they beautiful.

"Babe your moans are beautiful, don't hold back." I smirked against his skin still kissing down his neck. I was just about to make the next move when I heard a ring. It was Jin's phone. Damn whoever interrupted our moment!

"Hold on," he said still panting. I let go of his arms and rolled over so he could get up, he then picked up the phone. I was patiently waiting for them to say what they wanted and we could continue. That was until I saw his eyes widen with fear, and his jaw drop.

"Dad..?" He said shaking.



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