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"Everything is stardust. Well, I think it is."

Emerson had a problem. And no, it wasn't the quiet guy who was the epitome of good and had a way with words. This was much, much serious. Tormented by her unfortunate Christmas past, all Emerson wanted to do was to forget. But when tragedy strikes unexpectedly, it's up to her to make her final choice - Forget everyone while trying to forget her past, or remember everything as she tries to save her future.

And no matter what she picked, there was always this infuriatingly sweet boy who stood by her side, all the while reminding her that in order to forget, you must remember.

- The story is tangible and realistic while still accounting for good writing and not being too flowery or cliche. It follows Emerson, who has a tragedy young in her life on Christmas and has to learn how to recover. It's been ranked pretty highly in the YA categories and for a good reason: Wrenella makes fantastic stylistic choices while staying true to her characters, the plot, and herself. 10/10 would recommend. (nationalanathema)

- Very enjoyable. Looking forward to more of it. (MarkAshWood)

- It is truly a very interesting book. Waiting for more. (ThatVolleyBall)

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