[WEREWOLF] AFTER WAR. by DarkestSmiles

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AFTER WAR. by DarkestSmiles

Aurora is a war weary recluse, she swears that she fought in the war. Only... there hasn't been a war since the End war, over half a millennium ago.

Is she losing her mind like others have speculated? Or is there some truth to her delusions?

Drakkon Fuir is a Flawed, a person born without a wolf. He lives and works in First City as a psychiatrist doctor at the Centre, will he put his work and his life on the line for the patient he feels a gripping pull to?

- A really awesome and somewhat dark werewolf story where it's genuinely really hard to figure out where it's going to go next. The main character Aurora is actually a badass for once on Wattpad, and the characters are some of the most 3d characters I've seen on this site. (WolvesandMoons)

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