[FANFIC] LIBEROSIS; BTS | AU by somniatis_

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 LIBEROSIS; BTS | AU by somniatis_

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 LIBEROSIS; BTS | AU by somniatis_

❝Why do you care about them?❞

❝Because they are survivors and survivors never leave their monsters behind.❞

- I came across this by accident, but it was just everything I was searching for in a fanfic. Unique plot line with tints of theories in BTS MVs. Also, a major plus point because the author actually used their actual personalities(or the ones they acted as in the MVs) instead of the whitewashed bad boys (Literally the reason I started reading this). Also, the story is very intriguing, it starts with them being in a hospital and then the story goes back to how they ended up there. It's definitely a page-turner if you have the patience to read the first few chapters. I also love the writing style. If you are into mental illness and traumas, this is actually a really nice story. (Hakuna_Andy)

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