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Nearly twenty years ago, sixteen year old Dora Bailey disappeared from the small town of Unity. Her parents didn't believe their daughter would run away, but the sheriff denies their plea for an investigation. People promptly forget all about her.

When two strangers venture into the woods outside on Unity to film its famous ghost, they stumble over Dora's skeleton. An investigation is opened into her murder and, while the police search for her killer, everyone's secrets will be exposed. No one is above suspicion as the people of Unity are torn apart by the truth.

- Frankly? It's one of the best books on the site and it's highly underrated. It's an odd to class if whodunits and it's one of the best mystery novels on this site. (Sam_le_fou)

- This is a mystery story with everybody's dirty laundry coming out to be aired. Our suspicions go from one character to another, and then another and another. This will keep you intrigued and wanting to get to the next page (I binge-read it!) Utterly convincing dialogue, 3-D characters, and all the seething nastiness under the surface that we've always suspected of small towns! The plot has more twists and turns than a plateful of spaghetti. Biggest problem: it's not finished! I almost wept when I ran out of book! (MarkAshWood)

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