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Sixteen-year-old Marianna Cortez thought the worst of her life was behind her. That's until Denendrius Sovetta - a twisted vampire from Ancient Rome - steps out from the shadows of her past. After Marianna refuses to call him back after a date, Denendrius decides to take their relationship into his own hands, claiming they're in love. But when Denendrius's appearance unearths questions about her past, Marianna seeks to find the truth and escape Denendrius's grasp before her history has a chance to ruin her future.

- I'm reading this one for reviews right now and it's [redacted] phenomenal. It's um. Pretty dark [also very mature] and tough to swallow at times but it's definitely worth it. The writing itself is vivid and the plotline is intriguing and, at the risk of sounding cliche, this book isn't the normal "vampire and human love story" shtick. Also, Denendrius can go to hell. (DracoNako)

- It's a rare refreshing read. The way she writes this, just, everything is beautifully brought to life. Reading it, it's clear she's taken her time and done a ton of research on the subjects she explores. While it's mature, it's tastefully done. Her skills come across as if she's been writing for years, true master of her craft. I couldn't recommend this enough and I'm loving that this story continues! (angelusanimi27)

- I found her book here, yesterday. I managed to read the entire thing in one go. Boy, what a journey! Her descriptions and style of writing is an art. I could breathe, hear, see and FEEL everything the author wanted to portray. This has to be me the most incredible and interesting take on a vampire-human story. (EclipsedSupernova)

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