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Roberta is afraid of bridges. She has no fear of water, just those structures that arc gracefully over bodies of water. The artist in her is drawn to their loveliness. She sketches from afar. Until the day a mysterious benefactor entices her to Money, Mississippi. There's a bridge waiting for Roberta to sketch. What she finds on the quiet banks of the Tallahatchie just might answer the ever burning question: why bridges? And why is she drawn to the boy who meets her at the bus station?

- Written by an accomplished writer who has been practising the craft for many years, DRAWN TO TROUBLED WATERS is at once a mysterious adventure tale and a romantic story of star-crossed lovers drawn together--and possibly doomed-- by fate.

Artist Roberta has always been attracted to bridges and to drawing them, especially the ones in New York's Central Park. Ironically, she's deathly afraid of crossing those very same bridges. When she receives an offer to travel from NYC to sleepy Money, Mississippi in the U.S.'s Deep South in order to sketch the Tallahatchie Bridge, Roberta is sucked into a web of family secrets, young love, troubled dreams, and lies...all tied up to the Bobby Gentry song, "Ode to Billie Joe."

On Bobbi's first day in town, she meets Sawyer, almost 6 feet of taut muscles, tight blue jeans, and a lock of hair that falls across his hazel eyes. After spending time together searching for answers, they begin to unravel the story of the McAllister family and an old Choctaw Indian curse. And they also begin to wonder if their growing attraction is real or simply part of the wheel of fate set in motion long ago.

This story will keep you "turning the page" into the night. Autumn Jewel is a hidden gem on Wattpad. Be one of the first to discover her and her romantic, mysterious story, DRAWN TO TROUBLED WATERS. (ShelleyBurbank)

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