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  LOVE, VICKY by Lele_Ray  

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  LOVE, VICKY by Lele_Ray  

After her soul mate, lover, and best friend Tyler is hit by a car in the middle of the night.

Vicky thinks all hope is lost.

He is unable to talk, walk, move, and open his eyes.

Even though tye can do nothing, she found ways to make herself feel better about the situation- writing to him. She knows he can't write back but what's the harm in trying? Will she be able to move past this? Or will this memory haunt her forever? 

- It is written in such a way that is interning and inquisitive. It makes your heart warm, sadness is evoked and amazement is experienced. It is one of those particular books that lives with you forever. (theEEKstoryteller)

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