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For five years, Charlotte (Charlie) Holloway has lived as a boy in the slums. But when one theft too many get her arrested, her only means of escape lies with a dead man. Charlie hasn't raised a spirit since she first discovered she could do so five years ago. That time, her father banished her. This time, she brings even more trouble upon herself.

People are now hunting Charlie all over London, but only one man succeeds in capturing her.

Lincoln Fitzroy is the mysterious head of a secret organization on the trail of a madman who needs a necromancer to control his newly "made" creatures. There was only one known necromancer in the world - Charlotte - but now there appears to be two. Lincoln captures the willful Charlie in the hopes the boy will lead him to Charlotte. But what happens when he discovers the boy is, in fact, the young woman he's been searching for all along? And will she agree to work for the man who held her against her will, and for an organization she doesn't trust?

Because Lincoln and his ministry might be just as dangerous as the madman they're hunting.

- I really love this book, author and series. CJarcher writes really good books set in the Victorian era. The author does her research and her books have really good descriptions. Thanks to her research, it really feels like it is happening in a Victorian-era London. There are the different classes, different ways of speaking and behaviour. I love the story and how it fits in that time.

I love how the main character isn't a typical one and comes from a lowly life, she had been living in the slums. All the details of the era the book is set him are well fit. I don't know how to express it but the book really is amazing, as is the series. Definitely worth reading. (Bookreader20003)

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