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When Malachi, an exiled murder, activates a magic relic and duplicates his world, he uses his newly found power to win over the Larks, dog-like creatures from the North. Seeking to locate his missing daughter and plot revenge on those responsible for her disappearance, Malachi marches south, leaving destruction in his wake.

Whik Winfield, a young, adventurous Hemonstalian, is swept up in the chaos, leaving everything he knew behind him, including his best friend Sonora. He sets sail with fellow survivors to the mysterious island of Sebolt. Whik hoped peace could be restored in his new home, but when he creates a world of his own, his troubles double.

Can Whik understand how to wield his world-building power before Malachi takes it all away? When the path of worlds can change with a shift in the wind, Whik learns that all second chances come with a price.

- Make sure everyone reads Before the Sky Fell because golly, it's so DARK (seventhstar)

- Wow! This is a truly outstanding piece of storycrafting. The author has taken considerable pains with his world building, creating a background into which his characters fit seamlessly. There's no rush of constant frantic action here; care has been taken not to make action the be-all and end-all of the story. This has real depth in more ways than one; it's a thought-provoking and beautifully poetic read. Thoroughly recommended. (MarkAshWood)

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