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UNLEASHED by Xemnas4

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UNLEASHED by Xemnas4

Alex Shepherd couldn't give a damn about the bizarre string of animal attacks plaguing California. Even less so when he's introduced to Malcolm Masen, an enigmatic stranger whose arrival conveniently coincides with the attacks. But when Alex stumbles upon the rampaging beast on the prowl, he finds himself thrown into the thick of things.

Overwhelmed by changes he can't comprehend, Alex soon learns that monsters are real. As he's dragged into the hidden world of werewolves, Alex's life is unravelled in ways he never could've imagined. On top of that, he has to evade a relentless killer -- which wouldn't be so hard, if he wasn't fighting himself, as well.

Journey with Alex as he confronts man-eating werewolves, learns dark truths, and faces a choice that will change his life. For better or worse...

- One you'll probably have heard of, everyone seems to know it when they think of the unique werewolf books on this site, and I would definitely agree with this sentiment. The characters are really 3dimensional, and the plotline has some really awesome twists, which paired with some awesome writing, gives this book an awesome edge. (WolvesandMoons)

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