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THE FACE THIEF by hiraethia

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THE FACE THIEF by hiraethia

''You don't want to be going that way, my dear,'' the voice cooed from everywhere at once. ''Ancient things that feast on flesh have made their home there and just now, girls are melting away like snow.''

Kovya Karazamova, the storyteller's daughter, has many names. Soldier. Tretyak. Heretic. But there is one that they are afraid to say, one that they whisper in the dark with shivering tongues and trembling limbs. There is a creature who wears the skin of a girl, who plucks faces from the minds of people and spins shadows into things, with greedy fingers and a scorned heart. The Face Thief, they call her. And even the trees scream of her sins.

- Dark, twisted and awfully good. It hits you in the stomach with every line and keeps you glued to the screen. The prose, although purple, isn't unreachable and the characters are simply amazing. You end up caring for them so much, which is bad, given the author's sadistic tendencies (kircemillay)  

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