Kick In The Teeth

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I sat on the couch in shock. I covered my eyes trying to hold in tears, but I whimpered and some managed to fall out. I sat in feedle position, and sat in the corner of the couch. Anti slowly walked over, and sat down.

I slowly looked up at him, and he was covered in blood. His clothes were stained and his face and hands were covered in blood. He grabbed me by my shoulders, and forcefully pulled me closer.

"You really hurt me Y/N..." He said demonically.

I looked down avoiding eye contact. He pulled my head up quickly. His eyes were black where the whites should be, and the smell of blood filled my lungs.

"H-how?" I stuttered. He slapped my face, jerking my head to the side.

"You slept with him...I thought you loved me."

"I didn't sleep with him! Well, I did. But I didn't think he would fall asleep next to me!" I tried to explain the misunderstanding, but Anti didn't care.

"I didn't want to have to do this," he started. "But your gonna have to come with me." His eyes went fully black.

He picked me up, and walked into the kitchen. I immediately knew where I was going; the basement. I squirmed around trying to loosen his grip. I punched his back, and he didn't even flinch.

"STOP SQUIRMING!" He yelled as he pulled my hair, making me look up. He opened the door to the basement and stopped walking. I felt my stomach churn.

"Um...Anti? W-what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?" He asked.

I was very confused. "What?" I asked.

He then lifted me off of his shoulder, and cradled me in his arms. He leaned in close, and kissed me harshly on the lips. I tried to back away, but I could move much since how he had a death grip on me. Then I moved down slowly, and was lifted up quickly. I left Anti's arms, and was flying through the air. I then hit the stairs with a thud, and started falling down them.

I reached the bottom and sat there curled in a ball from the pain. I heard Anti giggle as he walked down the stairs slowly.

I spit up a bit of blood. "Sick f***." I said quietly.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!?" He yelled. I still looked down at the floor.

"Look at me when I f*****g speak to you!!" He kneeled down, and picked me up again, setting me down in a chair. He walked to the table and grabbed a rope, tying my wrists to the arms of the chair and tying my feet together.

"Let's see...what do we want to do today?" He said looking at the table.

"Do what you want! It'll only make me stronger..."

"We'll see about that." He grabbed a large knife off the table. He walked over, and looked at my arm.

"Oh dear..." He said.


"Looks like your label is fading." He pointed to my arm he carved 'Antis beautiful lass' in to. "Looks like we're gonna have to fix that." He kneeled down and put the point of the knife into my arm again.

He started re-carving the words, and he opened the wounds back up. It hurt even more than the original carving. He finished after a few minutes.

"There we are." He said, licking the blood off my arm. My body tingled at the feeling. He smirked at me.

What type of sick s*** are you thinking of...? I thought as I looked back at him.

"Nothing you need to know." A large smile crept on his face. He got up, and walked behind me. He traced his fingers on my shoulder, and down my spine. I shivered at his touch.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now