Getting Away With Murder

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Even in my sleep, all I could think about was Anti and what we did last night. I had so much fun, and I hoped that soon we could do it again. I rolled over to put my arm around Anti, for comfort and warmth.

But when I rolled over, my arm just fell onto the matress. I was half asleep when I realized he was gone. I woke up, and shot up, when I noticed that Anti was gone. I was worried.

"Anti!?" I said desperately. I lifted the blankets off of me, and looked around the room, even peering my head into the closet. No one was in there.

I looked at the floor to see my clothes from last night still there, but Anti's were gone...well most of them. The pieces of his shirt that I cut with a knife were still there. I picked up my clothes and put on what I could. I walked in the closet for a new shirt. I grabbed a tight black tank top, and put it on. I put on a small pair of heeled boots, and left the bedroom. I looked around every room upstairs.

Bathroom? Nothing.

Recording room? Nothing.

Spare bedroom? Nothing.

In a couple random closets? Not a f***ing thing! Then I went downstairs.

Kitchen? No.

Living room? No.

I even looked in the basement. To see if he was arranging his weapons that were down there or something. Not a single movement.

I went to the kitchen. At this point my fear of Anti being taken, turned into anger of Anti leaving without telling me. I punched the wall, and actually managed to break it..

I turned around and looked underneath the kitchen island at the 2 cupboard doors that had glass on them  so you could see inside. I stomped over, and kneeled down to open them. I pulled out a bottle of whiskey, and a double shot glass. I slammed the door, and stood back up. I angrily poured the whiskey into the glass and filled it to the top. I chugged it, and filled it again. One after another, I kept going.

After what I thought was about 11 full glasses of whiskey, the door opened. After 11, I felt affected a little by the whiskey. I slammed down number 12, and stomped into the living room. As he was turned around, I put most of my balance on one foot, making my hip stick out. I crossed my arms as well.

He turned around taking off his leather jacket. He saw me stand there, and he stopped moving, having his eyes go wide.

"Hello Iris." He said.

"Hello Anti..." I slurred my words a little, tapping my foot.

"Listen, before you say anything, I really didn't mean to be late. Dark called me last night, and wanted me to help him get Mark back to where he was being held." He explained.

"Go on..." I was annoyed.

"I tried to get home after I helped, but then he wanted me to stay to torture him."

"Uh huh." I rolled my eyes.

He finished taking off his jacket. He hung it up, and walked over; reaching his hands out to grab my waist.

"C'mon babe." He said as he grabbed my waist. Then unexpectedly, even for me, I backed away from his grip.

"Iris, please. It was just one time. Forgive me."

I stood there for a minute, looking over my options. I could either piss him off, and leave; going to torture Y/N and Jackaboy without inviting him. Or, I could walk back into his grip, and we could both go and torture them. After all, he did break me out of my hole. I went with my second option.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now