Memories Of The Past

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(A/N: Another dream! In the dream, you are walking around your old house, and you see your younger self. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Enjoy!)


I was back home in (insert town here). It was raining and a little chilly. I was back home, in my room. I was laying down in my bed. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

In front of me...was me. A younger me. It looked like I was in about 10th grade. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. My legs were wide open, as I usually sat, and my hands were on my head. I was breathing heavy, and I saw tears falling onto my younger self's lap.

Suddenly, I heard a distorted giggle, and a cold breeze enter the room. My younger self didn't seem affected by the laugh or breeze, but I knew exactly who it was. Anti appeared in the corner of the room.

"Poor girl..." He said. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

My younger self looked up suddenly, and she looked at her craft stand.

I remember when I went through a crafting phase. I had glue, rulers, paint, paint brushes, clay, chalk pastels, scrapbook paper, anything you could think of. She opened the drawer, and took out a pair of scissors.

"Poor thing's gonna start cutting..." Anti said as he walked over to me. He sat down next to my younger self, and put his hand on her shoulder. She didn't flinch.

I don't know he's there...I thought.

My younger self rolled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt, and looked back at the scissors.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Anti. "You won't be able to go back on this."

She rolled her sleeves back down and looked back at the scissors. She sniffled, and wiped a tear from her eyes.

"It won't help anything. It'll just cause more pain." My younger self finally spoke. (A/N: That's just my opinion on the subject. Whatever reason you have if you cut, I won't push you for it.) She got back up, and put the scissors back with my old craft things.

She sat back down on the bed, and layed down. Anti looked down at her.

"I'm sorry..." He said before he glitched away.


I slowly opened my eyes at the ending of my dream, and my breathing sped up a little. Anti hovered over me, rubbing my shoulder.

"Lass? Are you okay?" He asked, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just had a bad dream." I looked over at the clock on the nightstand.


"It's early. Go back to sleep." Said Anti. I slowly closed my eyes, and fell back asleep.


I couldn't believe Y/N actually wanted me to stay with her and sleep with her for the night. She was drunk, but I also put her 'medicine' in her first glass of whiskey. Whatever the reason was, I loved her company.

Her breathing was slow as she slept. She smiled a little and her H/C (hair colour) hair would hang in her face, covering her eyes. She rolled over onto her other side, facing away from me.

She's so...cute. I thought. Then I heard her thoughts. She was dreaming.

She was back in her old house in (insert town here). I didn't recognize her look. She looked younger, and she was crying.

Her dream was actually very confusing. Her younger self was there, her current self was there watching her younger self, then I was there. The real me was just watching the dream. The 'dream me' was actually speaking, and walking around.

"Poor girl..." I said as I watched her younger self. She real Y/N tried to speak, but she stayed quiet.

The younger Y/N walked over to a stand, that was full of craft things. Simple, like rulers, paint, clay, and...scissors. She grabbed a pair of scissors out of the drawer and went back to the bed. She rolled up her sleeves and stared. I was heartbroken.

"Poor thing's gonna start cutting..." My dream self said. I walked over to her, and put my hand on her shoulder. I saw tears fall to her lap.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You won't be able to go back on this." I explained. She didn't say anything, and she didn't even look at me. But I could tell by her actions, that I somehow talked her out of it.

She then looked back at the scissors, and shook her head. She rolled down her sleeves.

"It won't solve anything." The younger Y/N spoke. "It'll just cause more pain." She put the scissors back with the rest of the crafting supplies.

She layed down on her bed, and I looked at her. I felt so bad.

"I'm sorry..." The dream version of me then glitched away.

I left Y/N'S dream, and then I remembered. I did visit her when she was in high school.

Anyone who has anxiety, or depression, I visit.

If they have a panic attack, I visit them.

If they cut...or have thoughts of it...I visit them.

I feel bad for it each time. I am the embodiment of anxiety and depression. I have no control over that. I wish there was some way I could help them...but I can't. The only thing I can say, is 'Do you really want this?' Most of the time, the answer is a yes.

But I was quite impressed by Y/N and her change in decision. Most people know that that's what they want. But...She got through it.

Her breathing started to gain it's pace, and she shivered. I sat up a little, and rubbed her shoulder, doing my best to comfort her.

"Lass? Are you okay?" I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just had a bad dream." She answered. She looked over at the clock.


"It's early. Go back to sleep." I layed back down, and so did she. I wrapped her in my arms, and she held my hand.

I love you...I thought to myself.

Then I heard it again. The unknown voice from my room yesterday.

I love you too.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now