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"She will never be like you! You sick f***!" Jack yelled as he coughed up blood. "Your plan will never work!"

I set down my bloody knife, and wiped off my hands. "On the contrary actually. She drinks it everyday, without even knowing."

"No!" He yelled.

"Yes!" I mocked. "I even slipped it into her drink this morning. I'm even going to go get more after this." I giggled.

Jackaboy struggled to get out of his chair, and I loved it. Seeing him helpless, and distressed, amused me. I walked away, hearing him mumble to himself as I left.

"I swear, if I ever get out of here, I will-" I cut him off.

"Save it! There's no Jackaboy Man to save you." I giggled and slammed the door behind me as I left.

(Time skip)

I knocked on the door to Dark's place, bouncing up and down slightly out of being nervous. A minute passes, and still no answer. I knocked on the door again.

"C'mon Dark, what the f*** is taking so long?" I said quietly. I knocked once more, and it finally opened.

"Calm your s*** Anti! I was walking down the stairs!" Dark yelled. I entered his house.

"Please, come in!" He mocked as he shut the door.

"I need more of the remedy or whatever the f*** it is. I'm running out." I said, pacing in his living room.

"Dude, calm down." He opened the fridge. "I've got plenty." He pulled a small jar out off of the top shelf.

I took it from his hand. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "This should be the last bit I need to make it work..." I giggled maniacally.

"Hopefully." Dark said. "You've been planning this for...what? 3, 4 years now? Perhaps 5?" He mocked.

"Shut up!" I yelled. "Once she breaks...I'll finally get what I want."

I went to the front door, and put the remedy in my pocket. I put my hood up. "Thanks Dark." I said before I left his house.


"Okay," I started, holding the list of chores and a pen. "I washed the dishes, check. I cleaned the kitchen, check. I cleaned the bathroom, check. And I did my laundry. Now I just have to do Anti's laundry, and clean his room...oh boy." I set the list and pen back down, and reluctantly went upstairs to his room.

I was outside his door, a little scared to open it, but I did. And the look of his room was atrocious.

His black shirts, and black ripped jeans were strewn about on the floor and on the bed. A pile of the same coloured clothes lay in a heap in the corner of the room; the smell of blood resonating from them. Blood stains lay on the carpet with a dirty knife or 2 laying around as well.

"I've got my work cut out for me on this one..." I said as I looked around the room in awe. I immediately got to work.

I started with the laundry. Though I had to smell everything to see if it was clean or dirty. If it wreaked of blood, I threw it into one pile. If it was fine, I threw it into a seperate pile to fold and put away later.

After a few trips of going up and down the stairs to bring down Anti's dirty clothes, I started folding his clean clothes, and putting them in his dresser. I filled 1 drawer with no problem, but in the second one, I found...something.

It was something that looked familiar. It was the small bottle that had the green liquid in it. It had a small picture on it, and it was a purple eye. For being a green liquid, who knew that the label on it would be purple? I looked at the cap, and it had small handwriting that was barely visible, but visible enough to read.

"For Y/N." I read quietly. My eyes went wide. There was a little bit of the liquid left.

I thought for a minute. Anti puts this in my drinks. I've had weird feelings when I'm around him sometimes. I've felt strange like I needed love. I would crave him to do something to me...anything. I thought about his plan.

No...I thought.

'No' what lass? Anti said in my mind.

Nothing. My face said otherwise.

I shoved the rest of his clothes in his dresser and ran to my room; packing up anything that may be of use in the long run.

I grabbed my phone, my sketchbook, and a pen. I ran downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a box of Nutrigrain Bars that sat in the pantry, and quite a few bottles of water.

"I gotta get out of here." I whispered to myself. "I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for his stupid s*** again!"

I ran to the front door and opened it a little. I looked at the living room. All I could remember was the great memories I made with Jack the past year. I remember mine and his birthday party...we invited Mark, Amy, Emma, PJ, and so many others.

I remembered our first Christmas and how he got me a really good drawing tablet that I wanted for months. I jumped up and squealed once I finished tearing off the wrapping paper. I hugged him, putting my arms around his neck, kissing him.

I remembered, from just about a month ago, (A/N: That's how long Anti had been there since the night.) Our anniversary. He gave me the corsage, full of beautiful flowers. He gave me the necklace that I threw into my bag as well.

I reminisced all these memories without realizing that tears were falling out of my fountain-like eyes. I ran outside, and immediately ran into someone. That someone giggled when I fell and hit my head on the porch floor.

"Aww...where's little Y/N trying to go?" Anti asked, putting down the hood of his jacket. "Don't tell me she's trying to escape again."

"You monster!" I spat. "That s*** you put in my drinks every day, is to have me be a demon!"

"How did you find out!?" He yelled.

"I found it as I was cleaning your room." I tried to get up and run, but before I could he crawled on top of me, holding a knife to my throat.

"Oh, you won't be going anywhere." His eyes turned pitch black.

"Stop f*****g with me Anti!" I commanded. "I might go insane being here with you!" I spat in his face,and he flinched slightly.

He kissed my lips harshly. I tried pushing him off, but it didn't work.

"That can be arranged." He whispered. A chill went up and down my spine.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now