2. Stark Tower & Helicarrier.

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New York 29th May 2012: Stark Tower:
I pull out my phone and walk into the kitchen, I dial Furious.

He's got to know about this.

"Director Fury speaking." "It's Stark, I've just found out my tech girl can turn invisible." "What?" I explain what I saw on the TV "This just happened?" "Yeah, she didn't know she could do it." "Right, bring her in for testing." "Okay, but you'll have to be nice to her." "Nice?" "She's rather shy, she barely spoke to me when she started working here, still doesn't speak very much and if Pepper does that to her, I'd hate to think what she'll do when she sees you." "Just bring her in." I hang up the phone and walk back into the living room, Pepper is speaking quietly to her, clearly trying to talk to her without scaring her again. I clear my throat, they both turn to me "Scarlet, I need you to come with me, we need to run some tests on you." She looks terrified as she begins to disappear again "Hey, it's okay, we just need to see what you can do and why you can do it. It's for your own safety." She starts reappearing, she slowly nods "Alright, grab your coat." I say goodbye to Pepper and walk Scarlet to one of my cars, we hop in and I drive her to a location Fury texted me to meet the helicopter.

29th May 2012: Helicarrier:
We arrive and I help her into the helicopter, she looks nervous, but seems to be trying not to freak out. I grab her hand, hoping it will help, she's a bit cold. When we arrive on the helicarrier I get out first and help her down, still holding her hand I walk her to the lab, when we enter I see Furious, Natasha and Dr Banner. They look up as we enter, Scarlet steps behind me slightly "This is Scarlet Olsen. These people are Director Fury, Agent Romanoff and Dr Banner." I point to each in turn, as soon as she hears me mention a Doctor she tightens her grip on my hand and steps fully behind me, her hand grows really cold "Miss Olsen we need to test your capabilities." Furious tries to soften his voice, but it doesn't work too well, her hand feels like ice in my own. I look down and only see my own hand.

So that must be what she feels as she turns invisible.

"Stark, what is it?" My head shoots up to Banner, I smile at him, as I step aside revealing... no one. Their eyes widen, I feel Scarlet step behind me once again as her arm brushes by me, I chuckle at their faces. Furious breaks the silence "It's nice to meet you, Miss Olsen." He bows his head slightly, Banner steps forward "It's alright, you don't have to be afraid, we don't want to hurt you, we just want to understand." He continues to slowly make his way over to us, unsure of where she is, he looks at me and without moving I try to use my eyes to tell him she is behind me. I feel her hand growing slightly warmer, Banner raises an eyebrow.

She must be becoming visible again.

He gives her a warm smile and I feel the heat flood back into her hands. She releases my hand and steps to the side slightly, I turn to see her fully visible, she still looks nervous, but I don't blame her. She doesn't return Banner's smile, but she doesn't take her eyes off him "I'm Bruce." He holds out his hand to her, she hesitates for a moment, before gently grabbing his hand. He walks backwards leading her to a stool and gestures for her to sit, she does, they let go of each others hands "Let me know what you find out." Furious speaks as he gestures for Natasha to follow him, they walk out and close the door behind them, I redirect my attention back to Scarlet and Banner who haven't removed their eyes from each others.

This is so awkward.

AVENGERS: The Invisible Girl.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara