22. 5th June 2012.

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5th June 2012: Helicarrier:
It's the next morning, I'm woken up early by a knocking on my door.

This had better be important!

I stride over to the door and open it an Agent speaks "Sir, there's been an incident, someone hacked into one of our computers, they got some information." "WHAT?!" I see him begin to shake with fear.

Someone got into our system? How?

"What did they look at?" "I-I'm not sure Sir." I gesture for him to follow as I storm through the corridors and over to Agent Hill. "Hill! I hear we had a breach." "Yes, Director, someone got into our system, they were researching the Avengers." "Did you see who it was, did someone break in or do we have a mole?" "That's the thing Sir, we don't know. I've just finished looking at the security footage, no one unauthorised is on the helicarrier and the only people at computers were people who were supposed to be. We managed to trace the signal to that computer." She gestures to a computer sitting in the far corner of the room "But no one was sitting there." She pulls up the security footage from earlier this morning "Once our system had rebooted itself at 05:03 it alerted us that it had been hacked into at 04:54, here's the footage from 04:45 until 05:05 sped up slightly." I watch the footage, which has now been zoomed in, just showing that particular computer and the space around it. The time zooms by at 3 times the speed, but nothing in the frame changes, the computer hasn't been touched the entire time.

This doesn't make any sense.

"Do we have another camera angle?" "I'm afraid not, Director, not one that shows that computer. As you can see, this view only shows the back of the screen, so we can't even see if there is anything displayed on it."

That's not helpful at all, if we can't see the screen how do we know if it was being used? Miss Olsen... She can turn invisible, perhaps it was her. That's why she couldn't be seen!

"So we can't tell if the computer was being used at the time?" "How could it be though, they must have switched the signal to make us think it was that computer, otherwise we'd see the person." "Get the system to check the history of each computer in this base, I want to be sure it was that computer before I accuse anyone and don't tell anyone else about this, I want to keep it quiet for a moment." "Yes, Sir."

5th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I'm walking through the doors of the helicarrier with Tony when Fury comes storming over.

He looks angry, why does he look angry?

"My office, now, Miss Olsen." He turns on his heels and strides off, I look to Tony for help "What did you do, kid?" I shake my head "I didn't do anything." I say and run to catch up with the Director, Tony follows closely behind. We walk through the corridors in silence, which just makes me more nervous, when we reach his office, he pushes open the door, I walk in and he slams it in Tony's face "Ow." He locks the door "This is a private matter between Miss Olsen and I." I hear Tony rush off down the corridor, Fury points for me to sit down, I sit in the chair opposite his desk and he leans against the edge of his desk directly in front of me.

Why is he so intimidating? What did I do wrong?

I feel myself beginning to panic as I try to not turn myself invisible, I fidget slightly under his sharp gaze "Did you leave the helicarrier last night?" I nod my head "What time did you arrive this morning?" "J-Just now." "Where were you at 04:54 this morning?" "In b-bed." "Any witnesses to confirm your whereabouts?" I shake my head.

My parents both took time off work for a friend's wedding back in England, they left yesterday morning and aren't home until Friday night. Why did they have to go now!?

Fury leans forward, causing me to lean back as far as I can in my chair, his face is barely a foot away from mine as he speaks in a low, intimidating voice "Miss Olsen, a dangerous incident has occurred, you are my number one suspect, I will gather as much information as I can before I decide if you are guilty of ha-" He stops talking as the lock on the door clicks and it swings open, standing there are all of the Avengers, anger and disbelief on their faces. Fury doesn't look away from me, I feel myself disappear completely, he narrows his eye at me, knowing I'm there, even though he can't see me.

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