11. Helicarrier Break Room.

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30th May 2012: Helicarrier:
Fury speaks "Stark, would you mind taking Scarlet to get some breakfast, I'll catch up with you in a minute." He nods in understanding, I look to Fury, who opens the door closest to us. I tell Fury about everything she told me, he tells me what Stark saw and heard. It seems in a way Stark was the creature, at least physically, when he touched her hand was when the creature had her. I explain my theory behind the nightmare "Very well, we'll just see how she does for a while before I bring it up again." "Thank you." Fury leaves the room, heading for the bridge.

30th May 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
I head towards the break room, when I walk in, Nat, Stark and Scarlet are already eating, Barton and Rogers walk in at the same time as me. I take a seat next to Scarlet, with Stark on the other side. She looks alright now, her cheeks are still a little pink and the rest of her is still a little pale but it doesn't even look like she's been crying, she turns to me and smiles "Who's this?" Barton breaks the silence, Scarlet's eyes widen as she turns towards the unfamiliar voice, her hands fall to her lap.

I don't think she realised he and Rogers walked in, I'm sure she hasn't met them yet.

To try and calm her down I grab her hand which is closest to me, I notice Stark grab the other. She's a bit cold to the touch, I don't know if that's because of the nightmare or the strangers in the room.

30th May 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
I notice Bruce sit down next to me, I look up to him and smile, then I hear a new voice "Who's this?"

Oh no.

I look across the table, I see the room contains all the Avengers, accept Thor, I start to feel cold once again. Then I feel my hands being held, I look down slightly to see Tony and Bruce are trying to calm me down, but it doesn't seem to be enough, I'm getting colder "Hi, I'm Clint." He holds out his hand across the table and my temperature drops, I feel the shiver run down my spine and by their shocked faces I can tell I've turned invisible "Whoa." Clint seems to think it's cool as a smile appears on his face. I hear Bruce's voice to my left "It's alright, they're friends, you can relax." "Come on Scarlet, show yourself." Stark gives an attempt also, but Bruce doesn't like his method "Just give her a minute to calm down." "She may be invisible but they're still looking and they are going to continue to look whether she's visible or not."

They're arguing over me again, let's just hope it doesn't get out of hand like last time. At least I'm sitting between them.

"That's not the point, she has to know she can trust them." Tony lets go of my hand "You don't learn to trust people by taking other people's word for it. You get it by getting to know them." "Well, she can't get to know them while she's panicking." "Maybe she'll stop panicking once she's said hello." Bruce lets go of my other hand, while they continue arguing I look up at the other people sitting at the table. Captain America is shaking his head slightly with a grin on his face. Hawkeye, who is the one who introduced himself as Clint has his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh. Black Widow is still eating her breakfast with an annoyed look on her face. I look back to Clint who looks like he is about to burst.

I've waited long enough, this is too funny.

I start laughing, I put my hand over my mouth to try and muffle my laughter, it doesn't work too well, it sets Clint off too. The men either side of me stop arguing as they glare at Clint, when their expressions soften I think they've noticed he's not the only one laughing. I feel the heat rapidly spreading through my body, I feel myself turning visible, with my hands still over my mouth, leaning forward from all the laughter, my head almost touching the table. Tony and Bruce start chuckling, when I look up slightly even the Black Widow is trying to hide the grin off her face, when our eyes meet she almost spits out her drink, which just makes me laugh more. I feel Bruce rubbing my back, this time trying to calm me down from the laughter rather than tears, I sit up and look at him, trying to catch my breath "Are you okay?" I nod enthusiastically "Good, now we know how to cheer you up."

Tony is right, they've found a way to cheer me up, that could come in handy.

Everyone's laughter dies down, I take a deep breath and look up to the new people at the table and give them a smile.

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