7. Helicarrier Lab.

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29th May 2012: Helicarrier: Lab:
Stark is holding onto me, I glare at him "Let go of me." He realises that I'm worried about the 'other guy', so he backs away, he makes his way back around the other side of the table. I'm about to recommend he call her, she works for him, so he must have her phone number. But before I can ask, I hear a loud clap, it makes me jump out of my skin, but it didn't anger me, just startled. I look towards the door to see it has been closed.

I get it, it's Scarlet, getting her own back on Stark for doing the same to her earlier.

I look to Stark to see him terrified.

This is so worth it.

I look to the door to see Scarlet reappearing, I smile at her.

She looks so happy.

I start chuckling, then she speaks, in the same excited voice from earlier "Payback." She walks over to where I'm standing and sits on a stool, I sit down and hold my hand up towards her, we high-five.

She's definitely becoming a friend, I don't see why anyone would want to bully her, she's so sweet, funny and kind.

Stark makes his way over, pointing a finger at her "Not funny." He tries to speak in a serious tone, but I can see right through it. He tries to glare at her, the smile falls from her face instantly, she looks so sad as she fades away. "Scarlet! I'm sorry I didn't mean that, I was just messing around." Stark puts his hands up in surrender, she reappears with the smile back on her face "I know."

She knew! She was playing with him, he deserved that too.

I burst into laughter, Stark scratches the back of his neck as he looks curiously at Scarlet "You're a little trickster, aren't you? You're really coming out of your shell." She looks down, blushing slightly. Stark grabs a stool and sits opposite her, he takes her hands in his "We good?" "Of course."

Aww, that's what he needed. The metal man just needs a hug.

I can't stop myself from speaking "Hug." "What?" "Go on, you need it." "No I don't." Before he can protest any further Scarlet is off her chair and hugging Stark, she looks a little awkward, but she doesn't let go, Stark wraps an arm around her and buries his face in her hair. I hear them whispering, but I can't make out what they are saying. They pull away and Stark walks out of the room, I look to Scarlet, who is blushing like mad "You alright?" "Huh?" "Sorry, that was awkward, he needed it though." "I've never hugged anyone but my parents before."

Oh, okay, that makes a little more sense. Oops.

"You wanted to test me more." "Yes, down to business. When you scared Stark, you were invisible, how long were you invisible for?" She looked up at the clock "What time did you leave?" "You were invisible all that time?" She nods "Okay so we know it's not just for a couple of minutes, at some point we'll need you to turn invisible and see how long you can stay like that. Why did you turn invisible, was it because we left you alone?" "I made it happen." "Oh, you were testing yourself?" She nods. I look towards the door, hearing someone walk past.

But that's good, she must have replicated the feeling in her body or made herself feel shy or scared.

"Can you-?" I begin to ask if she can fully control it at will, but when I look at the stool again, I can't see her.

Did she get up or is she invisible?

"Scarlet? Are you invisible or have you left? Am I talking to myself like a weirdo?" I hear a quiet giggle "Please don't try to make me jump, the 'other guy' won't like it, he nearly freaked out last time." I try to gently explain and feel a cold touch on my arm.

Oh yeah, Stark said she's cold when invisible.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to scare you. Time me?" "Sure." I look up to the clock and stand up to pick up a notepad and pen, I write down the time. I sit back down and face Scarlet, well the stool anyway "You're still here, right?" "Yes." "Good." We sit there for a while in silence, I start doodling on a notepad, I hand her one also, the pen and pad are still visible while she draws.

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