63. New York.

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New York 19th July 2012:
I hear a rumbling and look towards the building Scarlet was rescuing people from, something had slammed into the side of it, the building begins to topple over "Scarlet, get out of there!" I try to run towards the building, fighting my way through, I'm not getting any closer and the building collapses, I see a child barely miss being hit, as he crawls out of the doorway. I look to Steve, our eyes meet, he looks to the building and speaks "Scarlet?" I join in "Scarlet!?" "Yeah..." I hear Scarlet's weak voice, she begins coughing "Scarlet... are you still in there?" "Yeah, I'm trapped... Did the kid get out?" "Yes, yes, the boy made it out." "Thank goodness." "You should worry about getting yourself out of there, I can't get to you." "I'm not going to be able to get myself out. I'm pinned down." "What do you mean pinned down!?" "There's a metal rod through my lower torso, I can't move, I can't feel my legs." I can hear pain and panic in her voice "Scarl, just hold on, as soon as one of us can, we'll get to you." Another voice joins the conversation "I'm free, where's she at?" As Clint responds I block everything out for a moment as the full force of what's going on hits me, I continue fighting, with as much skill and strength as I can muster.

I don't want to lose her, she's everything to me. I can't lose her, I can't!

Someone grabs my shoulders, I'm about to punch them in the face, when I notice it's Steve "Talk to her." I nod my head "Scarlet... we'll get you out of this." "I'm here, I'm going to try and find a way in."

Yes! Clint's there!

"Just relax Scarlet, I'm on my way." She doesn't answer for a few seconds, so I jump into the conversation "Scarlet!" "...Sorry, what we you saying?" I can hear the pain in her voice, she sounds like she's losing consciousness "Stay with us Scarlet, we need you. I need you." I look back at the building, I can see Clint moving rubble out of the way, there's so much rubble, he speaks to her "Where were you when it collapsed?" "On the first floor."

Oh no, that's a 3 floored building, that means she's got a lot of rubble blocking her in, but at least she should be close to the door.

"Can you see if there are any gaps below you, I need to know if you are on the ground or still slightly elevated." "Clint, what are you talking about, she'll be on the ground." "Not necessarily, the building collapsed, but it still has a bit of height to it." "But she said first floor!" "She's British, remember? The first floor is one up from the ground floor."


"Sorry." "You don't need to apologise, Scarlet, I forgot." "I love you." "What are you doing, Scarlet!?" "I'm saying it now, in case I can't later. I love all of you, you're my friends, thank you for everything." "We'll get you out, Scarlet!" "I love you, Tasha. More than anything, more than everything." "...I love you to, Scarl." She doesn't say anything more, however much we try to speak to her, she doesn't respond. Once the Skylea army has been defeated we all go to the building and clear out as much rubble as we can, looking for Scarlet, she's nowhere to be seen. But a pool of blood, a metal rod covered in blood and her earpiece are found lying on the floorboards.

She's gone, someone got her out, but who?

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