36. 7th-8th June 2012.

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7th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I hop in the shower and wash my sore body.

My body has never hurt so much, but I'd better get used to it, I know exactly what Fury is thinking, he's trying to see whether I'm 'Agent material'. Perhaps I could be, perhaps I could actually do this!

I wash my hair, inhaling the scent of cherries coming from the shampoo. Once I'm out of the shower and dried, I get into a comfy Donald Duck jumper, a pair of pyjama bottoms and fluffy socks.

I really don't care what people think of me now, I might as well be comfy.

After laying on the bed, just thinking and resting for a while, I hear a knock at the door "Come in!" Bruce pokes his head round the door "Dinner, you coming?" "Yep." I climb off the comfy bed and slip on my bunny slippers, I look up to see Bruce looking at them, trying not to laugh "I don't care if people see me like this." I walk out of the room, followed by Bruce, we make our way to the break room. We walk in, everyone stops talking, to look up at me, Clint is the first to speak "Why are you dressed ready for bed?"

Who wears a thick jumper and slippers to bed?

"I'm not wearing this jumper to bed and anyway I don't mind wearing this stuff in front of you lot." "I thought you were all shy with no self confidence?"

Gee thanks.

"Not when it comes to clothes and stuff, I'm confident in the clothes I wear, otherwise I wouldn't buy them. I don't mind not wearing makeup in front of people because on a daily basis I only wear the absolute basics." He shrugs and goes back to eating, I walk over to the microwave to make myself some dinner, behind me I hear someone whisper through a giggle, but I can't tell who it is "Bunny slippers." I can't even be bothered to turn around to see who, so I make my food and sit down to eat, listening to a story Thor decided to tell everyone about Asgard.

8th June 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
The next morning I'm sitting in the break room, eating my waffles, when Scarlet and Tony walk in, I look over to the kitchen part of the room to see Scarlet wearing another pair of the shorts she now seems to be famous for. These ones are covered in dark green scales, like a snake, with a dark brown tank top tucked in.

I wonder which colour she is wearing around her ankle today.

She walks over with her cereal, Clint notices the shorts and decides to comment "Are those scales on your shorts?" She nods "Are they dragon scales or from an animal?"

Dragon scales? I didn't think of that, I just thought snake, but perhaps they are something different.

"They're mermaid scales." Scarlet sits opposite me "What?" Clint looks rather confused, I nudge his arm "Oh, come on, we all know you've scene The Little Mermaid films." He sends me a playful glare. Then I see Scarlet yawn, she puts her hand over her mouth and blushes slightly, before eating some more of her cereal.

I hope she's not too tired, I don't want someone to hurt her in training today because she's not focused.

8th June 2012: Helicarrier: Testing Room:
We all finish eating and head back to the testing room, Fury walks in behind us "Yesterday we went over throwing knives, archery, sparring and running. Today we are going to test your strength, reflexes and see if you can bring down someone stronger than yourself."

I know exactly what he's talking about, that's why I got her to practice wrestling with me, there are ways to overpower stronger people than yourself, let's hope this works out okay.

"Rogers, you're up!" Everyone else walks into the observation room, leaving Fury, Steve, Bruce and Scarlet in the testing room. Bruce is attaching the same equipment as yesterday, to her, while Fury tells Steve what he wants him to do. Bruce and Fury join us, to watch, as Steve and Scarlet stretch. Steve just stands there in the centre of the room as Fury speaks "Miss Olsen, you need to try and get Rogers to the ground, if you can." I see Scarlet's scared face.

Oh no, this is not going to happen.

I was right, it didn't happen. He changed position loads of times, trying to make it easier, but no matter what, Scarlet couldn't move him. Some weights were brought in, she didn't do as badly as I've witnessed, but not well.

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