32. Helicarrier.

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6th June 2012: Helicarrier:
Throughout the mission, Natasha was kicking butt, she was really going for it and took on more HYDRA agents than the rest of us. We're in the quinjet, on our way back to the helicarrier, Legolas is piloting, the rest of us are sitting in the back, talking, apart from Natasha, she's deep in thought.

I wonder what she's thinking about.

I sit down next to Natasha and nudge her in the ribs "Oi! Daydreamer!" She sends me a glare.

If looks could kill, I would be falling from the quinjet by now. Actually I wouldn't put it past her, at least the hatch is closed.

She gets up and sits down next to Clint, at the front, so I can't question her further. We arrive at the helicarrier and clamber out, whilst the others debrief the Pirate on the mission, I make my way to the lab, to see Banner and my little Angel "Hey guys!" "Oh, hey." "Testing out Scarlet's invisibility again?" I ask as I scan the room for any signs of where she could be "No, she's not in here, she went for a walk." He looks at the clock on the wall "Oh! I didn't realise what the time was, almost dinner." "Yeah, come on, I'm starving." We walk together to the break room.


The first thing I see when we walk into the break room, is a slice of pizza floating above the plate on the table, with a bite being taken out of it "Hello to you too, Scarlet." "Oh, hello." I look at Banner, who makes his way over to the seat opposite her "You've been invisible since you left the lab?" "Yep, thought I'd test my invisibility again, see if I can do normal stuff while remaining invisible, I assume it's working." "Yeah, what have you tried so far?" "I've been thinking about other things, letting my mind wander instead of focusing on being invisible, it was difficult thinking about two things at once, but it works. I went to the toilet, I took a shower and now I'm having my dinner." "Good, you have complete control then." I take a seat next to her as she keeps explaining "Well I still can't stop myself from going invisible when I'm jump scared or when I get shy, but yes, I can be invisible whenever I want. Anyway, I need to finish eating and head off." "Oh yeah, you don't live here do you? You might find it easier moving here."

Good suggestion Banner, I don't live here, but I can fly, she can't.

"Scarlet, you might want to consider it, I know you didn't want to live at the tower, but it might be a good idea living here. You can spend the weekends at home." "Okay, I'll talk to my parents." Scarlet grabs the rest of her pizza and leaves "I'll go talk to Fury, make sure he can sort out a room for her." Banner says as he walks out of the room.

6th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I walk to the bridge to find Fury, I talk to him about how I think it would be best if Scarlet could stay here, he agrees with me and tells me to make it happen. I head back to the break room, I walk in and sit in the seat Scarlet was occupying before, next to Stark "Stark, I spoke to Fury, he thinks it's a good idea." "Excellent, I'll text and let her know it's down to her." "What's going on?" Clint asks from across the table "We're talking about Scarlet living here during the week, at the moment an Agent has to pick her up and drop her home each day." "Good plan, it's much easier if she's here." "So, is she going to be working here now? Or is she still just a visitor?" Rogers joins the conversation, by this point everyone is focussed on our conversation "Well, she works for Stark, but Fury did say about possibly making her an Agent since she has a useful ability." "She never mentioned that." Nat states "She kind of freaked out when she heard, had a panic attack, which didn't end at all well... nightmare." I glare at Stark.

He shouldn't have just come out and said those things, he should've just said she didn't accept.

"What? They asked." He holds his hands up in surrender before he continues talking "Anyway, we might as well finish explaining now... she didn't think she was ready, but maybe she will be now or soon." "Perhaps. We need to build her self confidence." "Exactly!"

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