10. 30th May 2012.

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30th May 2012: Helicarrier: Infirmary:
I walk into the infirmary to check on Scarlet, it's the next morning, I'm surprised she's not up yet. When I walk in, I see her tossing and turning, she screams out in pain, I call out to her "Scarlet!" I run off to get a Doctor, when we return she starts coughing, she's still laying on the bed with her eyes closed, the blanket on the floor. I hear her mumbling something, when we get closer I hear what she says "Please don't be dead. Please." A tear rolls down her cheek.

Is she having a nightmare, is that what's going on? Who's dead?

After a moment she says something else "W-Who are you?" I can tell she's scared by the tone of her voice, so I take her hand in mine. The Doctor gestures to the door, I think he's going to get Dr Banner. She speaks again "With who?" I try calling out to her again, this time quieter "Scarlet." She turns to me, her eyes still closed "Tony!" I see another tear roll down her cheek "Come on, Scarlet!" I raise my voice a little and squeeze her hand, she turns cold, too fast for my liking. Banner bursts in through the door and runs over to us, to stand at her other side, I hear someone else walk through the door. Still facing me with her eyes closed Scarlet whispers "Help me." Then her body turns as cold as ice. Her eyes start to flicker open, she launches herself at me, I wrap my arms around her as she begins to cry, I whisper "It's alright, you're okay." She tries to say something but can't, Banner leans over the bed and rubs her back trying to calm her down. Someone walks up behind me "Stark, I need to talk to you, hand her over to Dr Ban-" Furious was about to finish his sentence when Scarlet's head shoots up, I let her go as she scans the room, when her eyes fall on Banner she crawls across the bed to him "You're alive! You're okay!" Banner's face is filled with shock at the statement and as she launches herself at him, he hugs her as she begins crying again.

He must have been the one she was talking about being dead.

I get up and walk out of the room with Fury "What happened? I was in the lab with Dr Banner when one of our Doctors ran in saying something was wrong with Scarlet." "I came to check on her, she seemed to be having a nightmare, she screamed in pain so I grabbed a Doctor. She was saying 'please don't be dead' and I think it was Banner who was dead, by her reaction just now. She was talking to someone, asking them who they were, so I called out to her, she called back to me, she knew I was there. Then she started to grow cold, like when she turns invisible, but much quicker. When Banner walked in she whispered 'help me' before she turned as cold as ice and woke up." "Alright, we'll see what Dr Banner can get out of her about it."

30th May 2012: Helicarrier: Infirmary:
I push open the door and run into the infirmary, Scarlet is laying facing Stark, her eyes closed, I run over to her just in time to hear her whisper "Help me." Stark looks terrified and unsure of what to do, all of a sudden she sits up and wraps her arms around him, she starts crying, he says something to her but I can't hear it, I lean over and rub circles on her back.

What in the world happened? A nightmare? But what about? Does she normally have nightmares?

Fury, who followed me in, walks up to Stark "Stark, I need to talk to you, hand her over to Dr Ban-" he was about to finish his sentence when Scarlet's head shoots up, Stark releases her from the hug and she scans the room. Her eyes fall on me, her face lights up with a smile as she crawls over the bed to me "You're alive! You're okay!"

She thought I was dead? What did she see in this nightmare, the poor girl.

She pulls me into a hug, I hold her tight as I hear her crying again. Stark gets up and follows Fury out of the room, her crying starts to settle. I pull her away from me slightly, looking into her eyes, her face shows a mixture of relief and fear "Scarlet, what happened?" I wipe a tear from her cheek, she takes a deep breath before explaining all that she saw, she was an Agent being used as a distraction, she got hurt and when she woke up everyone was dead. When she got to that point another tear rolled down her cheek "You were dead." "Don't worry about that now, I'm alright, see?" She nods and continues the story, saying there was a orange scaly creature who wanted her to join it, then she heard Stark and tried to get to him, she felt cold, then woke up.

Maybe this was triggered by Fury's offer for her to join SHIELD, she isn't ready for that, not yet. Perhaps in the future, but she doesn't see how she could be useful, I need to have a word with Fury about this.

"Come on, let's get you some breakfast." I help her stand up and walk her to the break room, on the way we bump into Stark and Fury heading towards the infirmary.

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