20. Helicarrier Gym & Lab.

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4th June 2012: Helicarrier: Gym:
Scarlet is trying to lift the weights, whenever she manages to lift one, I make it heavier.

She's really struggling, she isn't strong at all.

"Okay how about we see if you can pin me. You've got more skill than strength, so let's try it this way." We take off our shoes and socks, I get into a fighting stance and she does the same, we size each other up. It doesn't bother me that she's taller. We wrestle with each other, I keep giving her instructions to help improve her, I pin her to the ground. I'm leaning over her "Give up?" A smirk grows on my face, but she looks into my eyes, I can see her fear turn into determination.

Wow, her eyes... they're a stunning grey...

She flips me over and I feel my back hit the ground, with Scarlet straddling me and holding my wrists to the ground with as much force as she can muster.

I lost my concentration, damn it!

"Now that's a rare sight. The Black Widow on her back, I wouldn't mind seeing that more often." I look to the voice to see Stark with the biggest smirk I've ever seen. I feel Scarlet get off of me and walk over to him, I can't hear what she says. I stand up and take a sip of water "Well, I'll leave you two alone." Stark sends me a wink and strolls out of the room, Scarlet turns towards me, her face rather red.

Is that from exhaustion or something else? What am I thinking, of cause it's exhaustion, she managed to pin me for Christ sake!

"Again!" I call her over and get in my stance.

I'm not going to let myself lose concentration again.

We continue training until lunch time, food is brought to us while we take a quick break before I get her to do as many sit-ups and push-ups as possible, before she collapses from exhaustion.

4th June 2012: Helicarrier: Lab:
It's 15:50 and Director Fury just told me he's asked Nat to finish training with Scarlet, so I can have her back in the lab. I see Nat walk past the lab window, so I get up and rush to the door "Nat!" She turns around and approaches me "Hey, how you doing Bruce?" "I'm well. Finished training?" "Yeah, she's got a lot to learn, not exactly a fighter yet." "Right, is she on her way here?" "Yeah, just having a shower first. I assume Fury told you about her physical abilities." "Yes, he did, he said you were working on strength today." "Yeah she's not very strong, but we can work on that."

Something seems a little off about her.

"Alright, so anyway, how are you doing?" "I'm fine, of course. Anyway, I'm off, catch you later!" She rushes off towards Fury's office.

Well if she won't tell me then there's nothing I can do, probably just on edge about Scarlet.

Just as I think that, Scarlet walks round the corner, she gives me a slight wave as I step aside to let her into the room "How'd the training go?" She blushes slightly.

Probably embarrassed, I won't press any further.

"Fine." "Okay, why don't you lay down up here." I tap the large metal table in the centre of the room, she looks at me curiously "I need to take an x-ray of your body and a sample of your blood." She begins to fade away, I quickly reach out and grab her hand "It's alright, Scarlet, I just need to do this so we can learn more about your body, once it's done we won't have to worry about it anymore, okay?" She turns completely invisible, but squeezes my hand slightly.

I'll have to take that as an okay.

I gesture towards the table and lead her towards it. She releases my hand and I hear her hop up onto the table, slowly becoming visible once again.

AVENGERS: The Invisible Girl.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ