19. 1st-4th June 2012.

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1st June 2012: Helicarrier: Gym:
Banner told me Scarlet would be training in the gym with Natasha today, so that's where I wanted to be, but the old Pirate kept me busy. It's almost dinner, they had lunch brought to them, so I didn't get to check up on my little angel, but now's my chance "Mr Stark, could you-" An Agent walks up to me "Nope." I continue walking past, leaving him standing awkwardly in the middle of the corridor, I arrive at the gym and walk in. I immediately spot her standing in pink sparkly short-shorts and a tight tank top.

Hmm, nope, not going there, I'm not flirting with my little angel. Nope!

"So!" Just as before she jumps out of skin and disappears, she turns around and hits me on the arm, it didn't hurt "How's my little angel getting on? Beat up any mean Agents yet?" "No..." "Shame, it would be good for you." Furious walks in the room and stands beside me, his good eye furthest from me.

I wonder if he can see me.

"What have you learnt about her?" He directs his attention to Natasha. "Well, she's good at dodging, throwing knives and holds a good stance. She's not too bad at blocking or sparring. Not great at running or archery and unfortunately has barely any strength, but we'll work on that." "Throwing knives? Interesting, okay well strength and stamina are the only things you desperately need to worry about then." He looks to Scarlet "You can look into that Monday, take a shower, go home, have dinner and we'll see you Monday." "Good job angel."

New York 4th June 2012: Scarlet's family home:
Over the weekend I went to the local gym and tried to practice everything Natasha taught me, I even went for a run in the morning both days, well a run that ended in me walking. But now it's time to wake up and head back to S.H.I.E.L.D, I get out of bed and look through my wardrobe.

The shorts I wore on Friday earned me a lot of attention, I heard some wolf-whistles through the hallways, that was a mistake, but they were so comfortable. Okay, focus, what do I wear? Not a dress that's for sure.

I decide to put on a pair of green glittery leggings and a black tank top.

That's better, I'm not showing my legs off this time and it's a baggier top.

I brush my hair and leave for the car, each day they've been sending a car to come get me, it's so much easier "Bye, dad!"

4th June 2012: Helicarrier:
We arrive on the helicarrier and I make my way to...

Actually I don't know where I need to be first. Do I need to meet with Fury? Or Bruce? Maybe I should go straight to the gym? Yeah, I'll do that.

As I'm walking down a corridor I bump into Thor "Sorry." "No matter." He looks at me strangely for a moment "I'll just be..." "Who are you? You seem familiar." "You've never seen me before." "...You must be lady Scarlet."

Lady? Okay I guess...

I nod slightly "Stark has told me lots about you." I feel the warmth of the blush on my cheeks, but the coolness of the invisibility creeping through my body, battling against each other.

That's a weird feeling.

"He said you are incredibly smart and nice, you are rather quiet though." My body is battling with itself, it doesn't seem to know what to do. I give him a smile and he smiles back, his smile is huge, he turns and walks away. I breathe a sigh of relief, as I do I see my breath in front of me, like when you're outside in the cold.

Strange, very strange, I'll need to remember to keep an eye on that.

I continue my walk to the gym, Natasha is ready and waiting, I tie up my hair and we work on my strength for the morning.

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