25. Helicarrier.

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5th June 2012: Helicarrier:
We're walking down a corridor and I spot a toilet.

I need to go...

"Guys..." "Yeah?" Bruce turns to me, sounding concerned "I need you to wait here, I need the toilet." I release their hands and open the door to the toilet. Once I'm done I leave the room and head back out to the guys, they're just standing there awkwardly waiting, out of the corner of my eye I spot someone walking down the corridor. On closer inspection I can see it's the man in the black suit I saw a few days ago, he's glowing even brighter now than before.

Perhaps that's because I'm invisible... No, it can't be, no one else is glowing, just him.

I watch him as he walks closer to us, he raises his head and looks at us, his eyes fall on me.

He can't be looking at me, surely. I'm still invisible... I still feel invisible.

He gives me a curious look and I return it, he seems a little surprised, but walks further as he carefully slips past Tony, like he doesn't want to accidentally knock him. I can't stop myself from being curious, as I gently brush past Bruce, letting him know I'm there "Excuse me!" I call after the man in the suit, who is almost at the end of the hall "What's wrong?" Tony asks from behind me, the man spins around and sends me a smile, before walking through the doors. I turn to Tony "That man could see me." He shares a confused look with Bruce "What man?" "The man who just walked down the hall, you didn't see him?" "No... Come on, we need to talk to Fury, stay invisible." We rush to the bridge, where Fury is talking to another Agent "We need to talk to you, in private." Tony gestures for him to follow us, he does and we step into the lab.

5th June 2012: Helicarrier:
"What is it? I told you to watch Scarlet, where is she?" Tony and Bruce lift up their hands, which are entangled with invisible hands "She's right here. We had an idea, we thought we would see how she interacts with things while invisible."

As long as they haven't let her out of their sight I guess it's okay. We need to learn as much as we can about this.

"We were in a corridor, when Scarlet shouted out 'Excuse me!', I asked her what was wrong and she said someone saw her invisible, he was in the corridor with us, but Banner and I couldn't see him."

There's someone else invisible on my helicarrier? That would explain not seeing someone get into the system, but we need prove and what a coincidence with the timing, did he plan this based on Scarlet?

"Explain exactly what happened, Miss Olsen." "I noticed at the end of the corridor a man I recognised, was walking towards us, he seemed to... glow. I watched him approach us and he looked at me, as if he could see me. We were watching each other, he then crept past Tony and continued down the corridor. I thought it was weird so I called out to him, he turned around and smiled at me, before going through the doors at the other end." "You said he glowed?" "Yes, it was odd, no one else glows, only him. He glowed even more than the last time I saw him." "Who is he?" "I'm not sure, I haven't asked for his name." "What does he look like?" "Hmm... He wears a black suit, he has dark hair and pale skin. The first time I saw him he was walking with someone, reading whatever paperwork they had in their hands."

If he's really invisible, then we can watch the camera footage from that hallways at that time and we won't see him.

"Come with me."

5th June 2012: Helicarrier:
We walk to the bridge and Fury brings up the security cameras, Tony takes control and finds the camera for the hallway where we were, the camera is facing the door, he rewinds it until we enter the corridor, we watch as they stop outside the toilets, then the door opens. Tony pauses it "Okay, this is when we need to pay attention from, that's Scarlet leaving the restroom." He zooms the camera in slightly and presses play, I watch but nothing happens, I can't see myself "Pause!" Tony jumps slightly at my comment, but pauses the video.

Oh yeah, I'm still invisible aren't I, oops, I'd better stay invisible though.

"I can't see myself on camera." "What do you mean?" "Remember in your tower when I first turned invisible, we watched the footage, when I turned invisible I couldn't see myself." He presses play and the video continues, the only people on the footage the entire time are Bruce and Tony.

Then he really was invisible.

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