Chapter 3

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The sounds of the staff laughing as they sat for a moments break between their duties filled the kitchen. Ariella could hear the mirth from the corridor, it made for a moment of happiness. A soft smile flicked across her face, her back to the slaves ensured they would not see the crack in her stony appearance. The mask fell back into place as she approached the warmth of the kitchen, the door wide open as always. It let the smell of their cooking float through the corridor, wrapping around whoever ventured through. Today it was cookies, she knew her father would be picking them off before they even had time to cool.

The staff rose when Ariella entered the room, the chairs scraping along the tiles. Frankie the head housekeeper had been with her family for as long as Ariella could remember. She was almost like part of the family now. Frankie was short and thin, looking like she would be a pushover but her stature and appearance was the deception, she was anything but a pushover. This was a woman that was fiercely protective of her loved ones, something that sat very well with Ariella's family.

'My lady, you have returned so soon?'

Frankie was confused, slave purchases usually takes an entire day.

'Pickings were slim.' she muttered with contempt.

'Your new maids.'

'Thank you my lady, this is most appreciated.'

'Of course. Is Anthea around?'

'I believe she is in your quarters.'

'Good. Ladies...' she turned to the two new maids. 'This is the head housekeeper, Frankie, she will instruct you on your duties and what is required of you whilst you are in service to this family, do not disobey her, behave yourselves and you will find life in this place pleasant.'

Their faces were a mixture of frightened and confused. Thinking they were going to be meals, only to watch the other two women get placed into service, they were wondering what their duties would be. Ariella held the grin in, wishing she could tell them what their 'duties' would be. No, she didn't want to think about her brother or any of his business. Ariella held her words, remaining stony as she soaked in the last of the cookie smell. Wishing she could pinch the entire tray before her father got near them. But no one wanted to see the princess ungracefully eat at the trough like pig. Ok, so maybe one when no one was looking. She turned to the three blondes in an effort to stop thinking about the three biscuits she was going to take once she was free of the women.

'Follow me.'

Again, her arms linked behind her back, she walked out of the kitchen. Her mother hated how she copied her father in her walk, so unladylike she said. She didn't care that it pushed her breasts out, she liked how it stretched her back, it felt comfortable to her. She walked down the corridor towards her quarters, the dark wood panelling on the walls seemed to make the hall smaller than it was, the soft glow of the tea lights gave an almost romantic feel to the room. Anthea stepped out through the doorway.

'My lady.' she curtsied. 'Your room has been tidied.'

'Thank you Anthea.' she gestured to the three blondes. 'For my brother, clean them and prep them to his usual requirements.'

'Of course, my lady.' she curtsied again and gestured to the women to follow her through another door.

'Is that your brother's birthday present?'

She turned and found her father, Lucas, standing behind her. He stood a full head taller than her and looked not a day over forty which she thought was remarkable considering he was one hundred and sixty-six. She thought he looked so handsome in his favourite suit, the very same suit that her mother had picked out for him when they renewed their wedding vows five years ago, marking their eighty years of marriage.

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