Chapter 29

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Fifteen minutes later, Zane held his son in his arms. His hair was thick and brown; his skin was fair like his mother. He looked down at Ariella, placing their child into her arms. This child was definitely a Mordecai. All of his fears had been quashed, she was smiling at him, she was alive.

'You are amazing.' he gushed quietly. 'So quick too.'

'That's a vampire thing, always really quick.' Flora interjected.

'Just one?'

Flora prodded around Ariella's stomach and frowned.

'I think we might just wait a few more minutes.'

'Don't you have equipment to tell how many is in there?'

Flora shrugged at him.

'Not really necessary with vampires, we just pop 'em out, everything is hunky dory.'

Zane frowned at their casual nature when it came to child birth. Seconds later Ariella's belly quivered again and she winced with pain.

'Ok, here we go.' Flora moved around the room, beginning the preparation for the next child.

Zane took their son from her arms and waited, nervous about the whole thing. He watched on in amazement, Flora knew exactly what to do, she had everything ready and waiting. She passed what resembled one of the babies Sippy cups to Ariella. He could smell blood as she drank from it as Flora continued to fuss around her. The child in his arms began to fuss, beginning to cry.

'Feed him.'

'What?' he frowned at Flora.

'Stick your finger in his mouth and let him feed.'

Zane nervously held his finger near his son's mouth, the fangs appeared out of the gums and he bit into his finger. He was shocked, he didn't realise that vampire babies actually had fangs so early on. It was something he thought he should have known, especially seeing as there were three babies already living under the same roof as him. Flora put a hospital tag around the ankle of the baby, on it was the number one.


'Because there is another one. You need to know which one is the first born, after Ariella, he is heir to the throne.'

Zane looked down at his son, one day he would be king, just like his grandfather. Sweat tricked down past Ariella's temple, her hair was sticky and wet. Flora had changed her out of her dress and into a loose fitting gown. It was once white, having gone through the first child's birth it was now a mess of sweat and blood.

'Ok, Ariella, one big push and we are done.'

It only took a few seconds before the child was out, but there he was, another son. The child screamed as he was pulled from her, so much louder than the one in Zane's arms. Flora placed him into Ariella's waiting arms, the tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked on at her perfect little babies. Zane kissed her on the forehead, watching as Flora put the tag on the child and then moved to her belly, pressing into it again.

'Ok, we are done. Two it is.'

Zane took the babies out to the waiting family as Flora finished cleaning up Ariella. Two little boys, lots of kisses from their waiting grandparents, uncle and aunt. The door opened and Flora helped Ariella out of the room. She helped her to the lounge room where the maids were setting out some refreshments. Zane watched in amusement as Ariella drank glass after glass, hungry for blood.

'So, thought of names yet?' Scarlett queried in between making faces at the baby in her arms.

Ariella looked at Zane with a smile, they had discussed a few names.

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