A question....

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Hello my lovely readers!

Thanks for reading Ariella's tale, I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you to all of you who have voted and commented, it makes me grin and giggle to read them.

So, I have a question and I thought I might go a bit interactive and let the readers decide. I hope you drop me a quick message with your thoughts and your answer. My dilemma is this, up next is the last of the series for AVL which is Lucian's story but it has a Finn spoiler in it. I have contemplated holding back on Lucian's story so that I could put Finn's out. But that means you would have to wait a little longer for the series to be completed. It's not much of a spoiler but I'm just having trouble deciding which way to go. Finn's story has no bearing on the AVL series and is set at the time of Ivy's story. I know that you've all just come out of Ariella's tale and are probably rather anti-Lucian but don't be, pweeese... *bats eyes at you* he's not that bad. So my question is, do you want Lucian's story next with the minor Finn spoiler or would you rather Finn's story next? I have been 'researching' (not perving) on the internet and found some inspiration for you all. They aren't exactly what I had imagined Finn and Lucian to be, but they are pretty close. So enjoy the inspiration (not sitting here with a dirty grin on my face) and let the Lucian vs Finn battle begin!! 

And finally, as one last little teaser, I've been working on another little tale. It's one of our occasional characters who gets their own tale. The story is set at the very end of the AVL series and is a complete spoiler for Lucian's tale, so it definitely won't be coming out until it's done. Who is the mystery character? *grinning like a loon* not telling. But definitely message me with your guesses and no, I won't tell you, so don't be offended! Go on! Take a guess :)

That's me done. I'm off to procrastinate around the web, maybe find some 'inspiration' ;) 


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