Chapter 23

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Ariella knew she had to turn him and it had to be now, there was no waiting for the full moon.

'You called?'

She looked up to a knife being handed to her, the edge of the blade in her hands, the moons light reflecting off it. The hand that held it was familiar, as Ariella blinked out the tears she followed the snake that wrapped around the hand and continued to coil its way up her arm. She looked up to the woman that looked like a blonde nymph, she was small and sweet and had incredible timing.

'My god, tell me why don't I pay you more?'

Anthea laughed as Ariella took the blade from her, slitting her wrist. Ariella knelt by his head and took the bleeding wrist, putting it to his mouth.

'Wake up Zane.' Ariella yelled over the loud music.

Anthea took the knife and slit open the clothes, finding the bullet wound. He hadn't woken to the sounds of Ariella, but the knife going into the bullet wound roused him. The knife being plunged into the already pain filled wound was enough to make him cry out in protest.

'Drink, don't complain.'

Zane was dumb struck by the scene around him, the wrist being pushed to his lips, the blood oozing into his mouth. His chest felt like it was on fire, the burning sensation was still unbearable. Ariella grabbed his wrist and bit him, drinking him. Zane began to drink, feeling the wound tingle, the burning sensation stopped. He was mesmerised by her as she fed from his wrist, the softness in her eyes. It was clear that she had been traumatised by what had happened. She was turning him; she was saving his life.

Ariella watched as the transformation was taking place, the wound healed itself. She broke from her feed and pulled her wrist away and put her hand on his heart, feeling it slow, he was turning. The shadows behind her moved against the garden bed wall, moving closer. She didn't fear this shadow; this shadow was welcomed. A little late but still very welcomed.


She looked up to the shadow, her father standing in the doorway.

'Harvey was here, shot Zane, took Dexter and my necklace.'

Her father gestured for the guards to chase him.

'You are doing remarkably well for someone that almost lost the love of their life.'

Ariella shrugged as she wiped the tears. 'It had to be done, I'm sure once he's ok the reality will set in and I'll be a blubbering mess in the corner.'

Lucas laughed, he knew Ariella was far stronger than she cared to admit.

'Why the necklace?' Anthea frowned.

'Because the dumb arse thinks it's the heart.'

Her father chuckled and knelt beside Zane looking over him.

'He will be fine.'

Zane winced with pain curling his legs up to his chest.

'Might want to step back.' Lucas said as he rose to his feet.

Zane looked up at Anthea as she whispered that it won't hurt for long. Darkness slipped through his mind, he could hear the music from the ball playing loudly, the soft murmured conversation of Ariella and her father. He could feel the soft caress of a hand on his face, he knew it was his love. Zane knew that she would care for him until he woke again and this time he did not fear the darkness. Now he knew he could rest with ease, he was becoming a vampire.

The sound of Dexter protesting at being put back into the stables brought Zane back to the moment. Dexter was still complaining about everything. Being taken out after he had been put into the stables for the night, being put back into the stables after only a short run, not being allowed to get into the field to search for his favourite food. Life was annoying for the temperamental creature. Zane looked up, his head was resting on Ariella's lap. His view was of her looking down at him with one big smile. Ariella lifted the corners of his mouth and found his canine teeth had tapered as expected.

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