Chapter 6

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Ariella was grooming her horse Dexter, lovingly tending to the one male that would never break her heart, never cheat on her, never steal from her. She held his affection with the offer of food. Over and over again she ran the brush through his tail, wrapped up in her thoughts of the past. One of the slaves was putting new hay in his stall, putting in fresh food for him. Even though he was standing in the middle of the aisle between the stalls, Dexter never tried to bolt, never causing any problems. He was enjoying his brushing, enjoying the care that Ariella was giving to him. Anthea appeared at the edge of the stables, seeing the slave in the stall she approached and quietly spoke to Ariella.

'I am sorry to disturb you my lady, but I thought you might like to know about something that is happening at the moment.'

Anthea looked slightly amused. Her eyebrows waggled with a little laugh. Ariella couldn't help but smile, wondering what was so amusing.

'What's going on?'

'I think you need to see it, otherwise you won't believe me.'

She sighed, leaving Dexter in the care of the slave and followed Anthea to the back door. As she walked through she handed her dirty shoes to the maid who was in the laundry work room. Ordinarily she would have worn clothes suitable for being in the stable and tending to Dexter but Ariella was distracted. She had been walking around the house with little direction and ended up in the stable. The slaves and stable hands thought it was odd that she wasn't dressed to her usual work attire, jeans and shirt but said nothing. They could tell she was thinking, that her mind was elsewhere.

Ariella wondered what had possessed her to be so agreeable to a servant and his demands. Even if Anthea wasn't exactly a servant, she still had moments of forgetfulness. Forgetting her placement. Forgetting the rules. But Ariella took little notice for the majority of things. She remembered to address her correctly in front of the slaves and her parents, she tended to her duties with care and in a timely matter. Ariella allowed her to drag her to her room, wondering what Anthea was going on about. As soon as she opened the door to her bedroom, she could hear splashing in her bathroom.

'I'll leave you to it.' Anthea whispered with a grin.

Ariella quietly crept to the bathroom, hearing the television go on and a music show start to belt out a song from years ago. She grinned as she recognised the song. Ariella never understood why there was a television in this room, she had never put it in and she had never used it. There was something about swimming in her own filth that she didn't really like and as for watching something on the television while bathing in said filth, no, Ariella would not do that. She slipped past the first section of the bathroom that housed the shower and vanity, moving into the next section that had the spa bath. Peering around the corner, she saw him in her bath. He started singing to the song, splashing the water in time with the beat of the drums. She couldn't help but smile at his terrible singing, so off key she thought.

'I can't even get any privacy whilst having a bath.' he groans.

'Not when you break into someone else's bedroom to use their amenities.'

She walked into the room and sat on a chair in the corner. The bubbles and water flowed over onto the tiled floor, making an awful mess. She wanted to laugh, the fool had tried to make a bubble hat or maybe it was hair. Either way, his head was covered in white bubbly fluff. Ariella held in the mirth and kept her steely mask in place.

'Why are you in my bath tub?'

'I was dirty.'

'What is wrong with your own?'

A Vampire's Life Book 6Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin