Chapter 5

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By the evening Ariella had gone through the email, over and over again she read it. Nothing stood out. Each of the eight men had been with their previous master for several years and then sold off to the vendor for very little money, the women had come direct from the farm after their child bearing duties were completed. The only things that stood out were the three blondes and the one that could not be tracked. She spoke with her father at great length about this email and the troublemaker. She found herself almost defending him, which she could not understand. Just because he wasn't from the farm, doesn't mean that he was a rogue. Information was required and her duty for tomorrow was to speak with him.

Ariella sat on the oversized day bed under the protection of the patio, resting from a hard day. She pulled her legs closer to her chest as she watched the storm moving close. The doors to her bedroom open with the curtains billowing out onto the patio. She could smell the rain as it began to softly kiss the ground, the lightning striking in the distance. It wasn't often that it rained now. The earth was erratic in its weather patterns and when it did finally rain, it was something to be revered. She sipped her wine and closed her eyes, listening to the thunder as it rolled in closer to the castle.

'So you do drink wine.'

He scared her and she spilled it all over her chest. The troublemaker couldn't help but laugh as she wiped off and thought how much he would like to lick it off her stunning body. Ariella looked over to the balcony, he was hanging off the edge, watching her.

'What are you doing here? You will be punished if you are caught.'

'Yeah, I know.' he climbed over the balcony and sauntered over to her. 'I was watching out my window, I had seen rain before but not the line things from the sky.'


'And the sounds.'


'And I saw you come out here, wine glass in hand and remembered that you managed to avoid responding to my offer and decided to come on over and have that drink.'

He sat on the day bed beside her feet.

'Please just make yourself comfortable.' she said sarcastically.

'Great, thanks.' he took the wine off her and emptied the entire glass and then tossed it over his shoulder, and over the balcony behind him. As it smashed to the ground below he got onto his knees, moving in between her legs.

'What are you doing?'

'Having that drink.' he said as he licked the wine off her chest.

He pressed his body against hers as he kissed higher up her neck, finding his way to her jaw below her ear. Ariella couldn't believe he was being so forward with her, he was so self-assured that he just assumes that she wanted him.

'Ariella, are you in here?'

'That's my mother, get off.'

She pushed him off her body and he rolled onto the day bed.

'Go back to your quarters before you get caught.'

Ariella got off the day bed and walked into her room, closing the doors behind her. The troublemaker climbed over the balcony, resolving to try again tomorrow.


Anthea held out a dress, Ariella shook her head at her. She held out another dress and again she shook her head at her. The dress had to be her usual style but informal enough that it does not look obvious. A walk in the garden doesn't warrant an over the top corset and skirt.

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