Chapter 15

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Zane freaked a little when Ariella told him he needed to clean himself and put on the nicest, cleanest clothes he had as he was going to speak with her father, in private. He stood by a large wooden door, the cleanest he had been in a very long time. Words whispered through his mind, that cantankerous old coot again. The older the vampire, the better their abilities. Fear the elders, fear the royals. Old and royal and you are screwed. Walls will not help even the best and strongest. There are other beings in this world, I have seen men and women move at speeds that even the best of vampires could not reach. What they are I do not know, they are a secret. Pretending that they are vampires but I know better. I know they are not human and they are not vampires. He remembered the old man waggling his crooked finger at him, sitting around the fire as the younger ones hung on his every word. Many of them roamed these lands, searching for the humans. It took a great deal of effort to hide from them, they are very powerful, whatever these creatures are. Their sense of smell is better than the mutt that sits beside you, their hearing is better than anything I have ever seen. Whatever this creature is, it is something to be feared. Worse yet, they teach the vampires. Teaching them abilities that they can use against us. He had gotten it right about the mind reading abilities, he knew to trust the old man's words. Zane wondered if the king had such friendships with these beings. Being royalty, he figured it was likely. But what abilities did they have? Could they break down his wall, was that possible? It was hard to maintain the wall at all times. He suffered from anxiety and was plagued with headaches from the stress. Zane wished he could tell them everything, to relieve the pressure in his mind. But he couldn't, his people were relying on him.

Ariella pressed out the shirt over his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles in his arms as she ran her hands down them. She looked up into his eyes, hoping that she could relieve the fear that was in his mind. Hoping that if he looked into her eyes he could see that everything was going to be fine.

'Remember, address him as your highness, speak when spoken to and no other time, be truthful and polite, don't be a smart arse and you will be fine.'

She kissed him on the cheek and pushed him in the door, quickly closing it before he had time to run away.

The domineering image of a man stood by the window, his hands clasped behind his back. Lucas watched the slaves tend the field in the distance. As the door clicked he turned from his gaze and gestured for the young man to sit.

'Your name young man?'

'Zane McKinley.'

He nodded.

'I am Lucas Benedict Henry Mordecai. Ariella tells me you wish to turn to be with her.'

'Yes your highness.'

He sat down at his desk, watching the nervous young man in front of him. Quickly Lucas slipped into his mind, finding the wall. There were no cracks, no holes, nothing. It was remarkable for a human to have such a sturdy wall, surely it was difficult for him. Lucas knew with time there would be cracks, no human could maintain a wall for too long. Though, there was an easier alternative. One meeting with an old friend and that wall would be broken through and any dark secrets would be found out. Lucas had momentarily contemplated calling Finn but was distracted by the man squirming in his seat. He remembered his thoughts and continued on with the questioning.

'As I have stated to her I have no issue with her fraternising with human, slave or vampire.'

Zane found this interesting, he thought that vampires did not hold this view.

'I do however, have concerns about you. We know nothing of you. I will not allow a rogue into my house nor my daughters bed.' his voice became gruff and forceful.

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